Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And the salutatorian is....Grant Baumgartner!

Congratulations to my little cousin Grant who is the salutatorian of his 8th grade class! That is quite an achievement! Very cool. Can't believe he (along with Chelsea and Kelli) will be in high school next year! This whole salutatorian thing reminds me of my 8th grade year (you had to know a Kerri story was coming!). This is back in the day when I was actually smart. The race for the highest grades at Northwood R-IV Elementary was ON! I think it was a given that Dawn Brown would be valedictorian (I WAS the smartest person in the class until 3rd grade when Dawn moved to town. My glory days were over then. All I had was Spelling and Citizenship to keep me going...I'm still a little bitter about it.). Well, it came down to me and Delmer Plank for Historian of the 8th grade class (3rd highest). And wouldn't you know, Delmer beat me by like .06 of a point. I was crushed. No, I was pissed. Then again, he had to give a speech in front of everyone and I didn't, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise. If only I hadn't gotten a C in 4th grade math. Damn fractions.


Diane said...

I am a proud mom! Graduation is Thursday night and yes, Grant DOES have to make a speech. He's got it written already and "practiced" it in front of PawPaw tonight at dinner. I'm going to be crying my eyes out that night..........can't believe that he's going into high school! I can't be THAT old! (Well, maybe I can, but I'm a "cool" mom.....at least, this week I am! Grant's confirmation/ birthday/graduation present is an airplane ticket to Denver to see one of his best buddies who moved there a while back. We're letting him travel alone with another friend of his. So, this week I can do no wrong........)

See you Sunday!

kristy said...

Wow, Aunt Diane! You are one cool mom! Mom and dad freaked out if we wanted to go to the movies in Rolla with a friend...and that was when we were 16 years old! :)

Have a super time in Colorado, Grant!

KD said...

Yea, you are cool Aunt Diane! I didn't fly by myself until I was....uh, yea, 26.....

Lizzard-Congrats on your achievement at R-II. R-II was definitely cooler than R-IV. Although we kicked your butt in volleyball! We were the hoosier school. You should see it now. All the dirty, skanky Dent County kids go there....And, uh, so I got the citizenship award for all of 7th and 8th grade because I never once got a "strike" from Mr. Lowes (remember those Red?). Hard to believe I got the citizenship award considering I was angry and bitter at Dawn Brown for stealing my glory and at Delmer for also stealing my glory...Think it's time I get over it??? :)