So, for a girl who is terrified of the dentist, I sure have gone to see him a lot in the last few weeks. Does it have to do with the fact that he's hot? Noooooooooo....puhlease, I'm not that really, I'm not..... I've had this tooth pain for the last two days, I was pretty sure it was that pesky wisdom tooth acting up, so I called my dentist's office today only to be told that I needed to come in for an "emergency appointment". That sounded rather intimidating, but being ever the kiss ass and not wanting to disappoint others, I went. And, Dr. Hottie took one look at that tooth (not that that was an easy task since I can barely open my mouth...) and said "yep, it's infected". Gee, I'm sure glad my insurance company is paying him lots and lots of dollars to make that fine assessment. He then proceeded to yell at me (ok, so "yell" is a strong word, but he did admonish me like I was a naughty six year old....) for not having scheduled my oral surgery yet. I tried to explain to him that getting a day off at my job is nothing short of a miracle (often times causing you to have to promise the soul of your first born child....especially if you want a Friday off), but that I would make a more conscious effort to convince my boss I needed a couple days off so that an oral surgeon can rip some teeth out of my skull. He then wrote me a script for some amoxicillin (here's hoping I'm not allergic like my brother far, so good) and sent me on my merry way.
Did you guys know that Schnucks has certain antibiotics for FREE???? I sure as hell didn't, but my script today was free which made me one happy girl. One thing that didn't make me happy was the dosing. It says to take "every six hours". Uh....what? That sounds like math to me. Now "take it twice a day" or "take one at bedtime" are instructions I can clearly follow, but "take every six hours"? Now I gotta sit down with the clock and figure this out....I mean, if I take it tonight before I go to bed, does that mean I have to get up at 4am for my next dose? Because if it does, you got another thing coming, Mr. Dentist. I don't care how hot you are! I'm not getting up at 4am unless my house is on fire. And even then I'd have to think about it.
So, I have barely eaten in the last two days because I can't open my mouth very wide and it hurts to chew. Tonight, I thought I'd try something mushy like mashed potatoes. If ever you wanted entertainment, this was it. Yikes. I could barely open my mouth to shovel them in, then it was a matter of trying to chew...let's just say it probably most resembled an elderly person at the nursing home during dinner time...gumming my mashed potatoes and practically drooling on myself. In other words, it was HOT.
I think these antibiotics have gone to my head.........
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
KD's American Idol Top 9 Recap
Because my opinion is the only one that matters, I bring you, my take on tonight's performances. First of all, I think Paula's due for another round of botox injections because she was lookin a little tired tonight. I'm just sayin. Second, of all....ok, maybe I don't have a second of all right now. Let's just get to the break down, shall we?
ANOOP-Oh Anoop. I do like him. Really, I do. But trying to do Ur-sher? Really? He sang it ok but the judges were right-it was like karaoke. And it's what I'd imagine it would sound like if Usher performed on cruise ships.......
MEGAN-Oh for the love of God in Heaven, please, please, PUH-LEASE vote her off this show America! I'd rather listen to Sanjaya butcher some songs than her warbling. I swear! Bob Marley is soooooooooo turning in his grave right now. And seriously, can someone make her stop dancing? I'm constanting thinking we need to get the Dilantin ready because I'm convinced she's having a seizure. And was it just me, or did she sound like Kermit the Frog at the end????
DANNY-LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Danny tonight! I'm not gonna lie-I started to get a little teary-eyed. His rendition of "What Hurts The Most" by Rascal Flatts was beautiful. Simon even clapped, which has got to count for something.
ALLISON-I thought she rocked it, but did it seem short to anyone else? Seems like other folks sang longer. And as I commented on Facebook, she kinda looked like Bam Bam. And as my friend Justin pointed out, she looked like she had just gotten kicked off Bret Michael's Rock of Love Bus......
SCOTT-Dammit, Scott did good this week. Although, I could have bet money he'd do Billy Joel. I mean, it's not like he branches out much with his song choices. I know the judges commented on his "makeover" but seriously, what the F was up with the hair? He for real looked like Kirk Cameron circa 1988-the Growing Pains years. Only less hot. I'm just sayin......
MATT-I thought the judges were a bit harsh, I liked him tonight. I think he sounded better than the lead singer of The Fray, so shouldn't that count for something?
LIL-Oh sweet Lil. Celine Dion? Really? NO ONE likes Celine Dion, not even Canadians (ok, so my friend Carrie likes her but she's the only one..... ;) ). She sang the song well but quite honestly, I already forgot how it goes. At least her kids are cute.
ADAM-Ok, so he did well. At times, it felt a little weird (weird in a "maybe I'm trippin acid right now and listening to Led Zeppelin sort of way), at others it was disco-esque and quite fun, but over all, dude has some range and at least he's not boring. The last note was A-MA-ZING.
KRIS-LOVED him!!!! Wow! He sang "Ain't No Sunshine" and really did make it current. He is one of my faves on this show although he needs to watch the John Mayer-esque faces he makes. Again, I'm just sayin.....
The best of the night were, by far, Danny and Kris
The worst of the night was, by far, Megan and, well, Megan.
My guess for the bottom 3? It's a bit harder this week, but I'd for real go with Megan, Matt and Anoop. And I hope to GOD this is the week we bid Megan adieu.
ANOOP-Oh Anoop. I do like him. Really, I do. But trying to do Ur-sher? Really? He sang it ok but the judges were right-it was like karaoke. And it's what I'd imagine it would sound like if Usher performed on cruise ships.......
MEGAN-Oh for the love of God in Heaven, please, please, PUH-LEASE vote her off this show America! I'd rather listen to Sanjaya butcher some songs than her warbling. I swear! Bob Marley is soooooooooo turning in his grave right now. And seriously, can someone make her stop dancing? I'm constanting thinking we need to get the Dilantin ready because I'm convinced she's having a seizure. And was it just me, or did she sound like Kermit the Frog at the end????
DANNY-LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Danny tonight! I'm not gonna lie-I started to get a little teary-eyed. His rendition of "What Hurts The Most" by Rascal Flatts was beautiful. Simon even clapped, which has got to count for something.
ALLISON-I thought she rocked it, but did it seem short to anyone else? Seems like other folks sang longer. And as I commented on Facebook, she kinda looked like Bam Bam. And as my friend Justin pointed out, she looked like she had just gotten kicked off Bret Michael's Rock of Love Bus......
SCOTT-Dammit, Scott did good this week. Although, I could have bet money he'd do Billy Joel. I mean, it's not like he branches out much with his song choices. I know the judges commented on his "makeover" but seriously, what the F was up with the hair? He for real looked like Kirk Cameron circa 1988-the Growing Pains years. Only less hot. I'm just sayin......
MATT-I thought the judges were a bit harsh, I liked him tonight. I think he sounded better than the lead singer of The Fray, so shouldn't that count for something?
LIL-Oh sweet Lil. Celine Dion? Really? NO ONE likes Celine Dion, not even Canadians (ok, so my friend Carrie likes her but she's the only one..... ;) ). She sang the song well but quite honestly, I already forgot how it goes. At least her kids are cute.
ADAM-Ok, so he did well. At times, it felt a little weird (weird in a "maybe I'm trippin acid right now and listening to Led Zeppelin sort of way), at others it was disco-esque and quite fun, but over all, dude has some range and at least he's not boring. The last note was A-MA-ZING.
KRIS-LOVED him!!!! Wow! He sang "Ain't No Sunshine" and really did make it current. He is one of my faves on this show although he needs to watch the John Mayer-esque faces he makes. Again, I'm just sayin.....
The best of the night were, by far, Danny and Kris
The worst of the night was, by far, Megan and, well, Megan.
My guess for the bottom 3? It's a bit harder this week, but I'd for real go with Megan, Matt and Anoop. And I hope to GOD this is the week we bid Megan adieu.
Life is good....for the most part's spring in Missouri. All the beautiful (yet allergen filled) trees and flowers are blooming, the temps are in the 60's, and after the "snow" from this weekend, it appears perhaps the weather may at least kinda stay nice for awhile. Oh, and Cubs baseball starts on Monday. :)
In other good news, my sister's due date is now only NINE days away. That's single digits folks. Yes, Baby Girl Baum is due next Thursday, I couldn't be more excited. I know my sister and Jon are ready for her to make her appearance. Grandma Val has her bags packed for that rush trip to Texas. I have my cell phone by my side awaiting The Call. My brother and I are flying to Dallas on April 15 (hopefully our precious niece has already made her debut) and I can't wait for that!
In yet more good news, my baby brother is graduating with his Associates Degree in May. I am so proud of him. Yes, he is going on to complete his Bachelors (which will take him another 2 years), but he's working hard and I think when it's all said and done, will be a GREAT teacher. Poor kid, he's been substitute teaching for the Salem school district the last couple of weeks, which he likes. What he doesn't like is the little junior high girls talking about how "hot" Mr. Davidson is. LMAO!!!! ;) Hey Timbo, when ya got it, ya got it!
So, lots of good stuff is going on with my family, which, in turn, makes me happy. What's going on with me, you may ask? Well, not a whole hell of a lot, which is ok, I guess. I DO have an emergency appointment with my dentist today. As you all know, I have a freakishly freaky fear of the dentist (see earlier posts where I made a damn fool of myself at his office), but even that I don't care about today. You see, I am in pain. For the last two days, I've had pain on the left side of my face-I thought it was that damn wisdom tooth that's coming in and growing in sideways, but the pain has now spread to my entire jaw and my ear. I'm having difficulty swallowing and I can't even open my mouth wide enough to eat (which really seems like an ok thing to me-not eating for a couple days? Hello, weight loss!). So, I was a big girl and I called my dentist's office today. When I told my story the lady was like "uh, yea, you need to get in here today. We're setting up an emergency appointment". Great. Yahoo. Fun times. At least I don't have time to be anxious about it. Wish me luck!
In other good news, my sister's due date is now only NINE days away. That's single digits folks. Yes, Baby Girl Baum is due next Thursday, I couldn't be more excited. I know my sister and Jon are ready for her to make her appearance. Grandma Val has her bags packed for that rush trip to Texas. I have my cell phone by my side awaiting The Call. My brother and I are flying to Dallas on April 15 (hopefully our precious niece has already made her debut) and I can't wait for that!
In yet more good news, my baby brother is graduating with his Associates Degree in May. I am so proud of him. Yes, he is going on to complete his Bachelors (which will take him another 2 years), but he's working hard and I think when it's all said and done, will be a GREAT teacher. Poor kid, he's been substitute teaching for the Salem school district the last couple of weeks, which he likes. What he doesn't like is the little junior high girls talking about how "hot" Mr. Davidson is. LMAO!!!! ;) Hey Timbo, when ya got it, ya got it!
So, lots of good stuff is going on with my family, which, in turn, makes me happy. What's going on with me, you may ask? Well, not a whole hell of a lot, which is ok, I guess. I DO have an emergency appointment with my dentist today. As you all know, I have a freakishly freaky fear of the dentist (see earlier posts where I made a damn fool of myself at his office), but even that I don't care about today. You see, I am in pain. For the last two days, I've had pain on the left side of my face-I thought it was that damn wisdom tooth that's coming in and growing in sideways, but the pain has now spread to my entire jaw and my ear. I'm having difficulty swallowing and I can't even open my mouth wide enough to eat (which really seems like an ok thing to me-not eating for a couple days? Hello, weight loss!). So, I was a big girl and I called my dentist's office today. When I told my story the lady was like "uh, yea, you need to get in here today. We're setting up an emergency appointment". Great. Yahoo. Fun times. At least I don't have time to be anxious about it. Wish me luck!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Elite 8, TJ Oshie and snow at the end of March
We have a lot of topics to discuss on this dreary Friday, so let's get to it.
1. It's supposed to snow here in the STL tomorrow. Um....excuse me? Are you kidding me with that crap? It's almost April for crying out loud. I do not condone this behavior, weather! Ya hear me?
2. Could the Blues possibly be playing better hockey right now? I mean, seriously? Last night's game (sorry to any Canucks fans out know who you are) was quite possibly the best one I've seen the Blues play all season. And that TJ Oshie kid? Dude is EVERYWHERE. I do believe I indicated at the beginning of the season back in October that he would be my favorite. I stand by that claim. And that Chris Mason is a monster in goal. It's a darn shame the Blues didn't play better at the beginning of the season because it will be a real travesty if they don't make the playoffs. With only like 8 games left, they are ONE POINT out of a playoff spot. Come on Edmonton and Nashville, help us out a bit, would ya? Sure, hockey is Canada's national past time, but how bout you bow outta this one Oil? And who even watches hockey in Tennessee anyway? (the answer, surprisingly, is EVERYONE. When I went to Nashville for business last month, those folks were all about showin their love for the was weird).
3. Missouri Tigers basketball. Does it get any better than this? I, like most of the residents of this fine state, stayed up until 11:30 last night watching Mizzou DESTROY Memphis. It was one of the most exciting basketball games I've ever watched. Truly. And that Mizzou shot from the other side of the court? Fuggedddaboutit. At one point, Mizzou had a TWENTY-SIX point lead. That's just ridiculous. The final score was 102-91, no one has scored that much against Memphis this year. Amazing. Mizzou is going to the Elite 8 for the first time in I don't know how long. They have a really, REALLY tough opponent in UConn. But hey, Memphis was supposed to beat them and they didn't, so I now have faith that the boys in black and gold can handle themselves against UConn. The game is tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait!!!!! And, let it be known that on my brackets, I, Kerri M Davidson, did pick Mizzou to go to the Elite 8, I also picked them to lose to UConn, but now that they're actually there (because let's face it, it was my heart that picked them to go this far, not necessarily my head), I really hope I'm wrong. I will gladly be wrong on this one. GO TIGERS!!!!!!
4. Let's discuss American Idol for a minute. I didn't get to watch the elimination last night, but I know that Michael Sarver got the boot. That's fine because, let's face it, it was nearing his time. But here's where I get all worked up-that weird dancing, terrible singing Megan didn't even make the bottom 3? Are you f'ing kidding me???? My sister echoes my sentiment as she texted me last night "who the F is voting for Megan". My thoughts exactly sis. My thoughts exactly. Mom, Aunt Paula, the blind guy lives to see another day (pun intended. I'll be cashing in my ticket to hell now).
5. Have I mentioned it's supposed to snow here this weekend?
1. It's supposed to snow here in the STL tomorrow. Um....excuse me? Are you kidding me with that crap? It's almost April for crying out loud. I do not condone this behavior, weather! Ya hear me?
2. Could the Blues possibly be playing better hockey right now? I mean, seriously? Last night's game (sorry to any Canucks fans out know who you are) was quite possibly the best one I've seen the Blues play all season. And that TJ Oshie kid? Dude is EVERYWHERE. I do believe I indicated at the beginning of the season back in October that he would be my favorite. I stand by that claim. And that Chris Mason is a monster in goal. It's a darn shame the Blues didn't play better at the beginning of the season because it will be a real travesty if they don't make the playoffs. With only like 8 games left, they are ONE POINT out of a playoff spot. Come on Edmonton and Nashville, help us out a bit, would ya? Sure, hockey is Canada's national past time, but how bout you bow outta this one Oil? And who even watches hockey in Tennessee anyway? (the answer, surprisingly, is EVERYONE. When I went to Nashville for business last month, those folks were all about showin their love for the was weird).
3. Missouri Tigers basketball. Does it get any better than this? I, like most of the residents of this fine state, stayed up until 11:30 last night watching Mizzou DESTROY Memphis. It was one of the most exciting basketball games I've ever watched. Truly. And that Mizzou shot from the other side of the court? Fuggedddaboutit. At one point, Mizzou had a TWENTY-SIX point lead. That's just ridiculous. The final score was 102-91, no one has scored that much against Memphis this year. Amazing. Mizzou is going to the Elite 8 for the first time in I don't know how long. They have a really, REALLY tough opponent in UConn. But hey, Memphis was supposed to beat them and they didn't, so I now have faith that the boys in black and gold can handle themselves against UConn. The game is tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait!!!!! And, let it be known that on my brackets, I, Kerri M Davidson, did pick Mizzou to go to the Elite 8, I also picked them to lose to UConn, but now that they're actually there (because let's face it, it was my heart that picked them to go this far, not necessarily my head), I really hope I'm wrong. I will gladly be wrong on this one. GO TIGERS!!!!!!
4. Let's discuss American Idol for a minute. I didn't get to watch the elimination last night, but I know that Michael Sarver got the boot. That's fine because, let's face it, it was nearing his time. But here's where I get all worked up-that weird dancing, terrible singing Megan didn't even make the bottom 3? Are you f'ing kidding me???? My sister echoes my sentiment as she texted me last night "who the F is voting for Megan". My thoughts exactly sis. My thoughts exactly. Mom, Aunt Paula, the blind guy lives to see another day (pun intended. I'll be cashing in my ticket to hell now).
5. Have I mentioned it's supposed to snow here this weekend?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Don't smoke crack before you go to bed
I had a weird dream last night that involved my pregnant sister, my friend Sean, my Uncle Jimmy and..........Slash. Yes, the Slash from Guns-N-Roses. Interesting foursome for sure. Apparently, in my dream, the four of them were in a band together...I only remember bits and pieces of it, but I clearly remember the part when my dear prego sis decided she wanted to sing and all the guys in the band started yelling at her, she then started crying and ran off. And then my alarm went off (for real).
I just wanted to share the inner workings of my strange and twisted mind with y'all. Good day.
I just wanted to share the inner workings of my strange and twisted mind with y'all. Good day.
Happy Week 38...OMG it's getting close!!!!
Week 38!!!! OMG, my niece is almost here!!! Although, according to her mommy, she's still pretty darn comfortable inside her mommy's tummy (and apparently digging the daily supply of chocolate milk her mommy has been providing her). Baby Girl B will come out when she's darn good and ready, but she needs to know that there are LOT of people that are soooooo excited to meet her!!!! Here's what's going on with her this week (besides just chillin in the womb):
-If she is the "average baby," she weights 6.8 pounds (3083gm)and is 19.6 inches (49.8cm) long. (Baby Girl B is so NOT average!)
-Have you noticed she hiccups a lot? Because there is no air around her, those breathing exercises cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe. The result? Hiccups!
-Your child's intestines are accumulating lots of meconium. Meconium takes on the role of being your baby's first bowel movement -- removing the waste that has accumulated.
-She may have a full head of hair now -- an inch or more long! Don't be surprised if it's an unexpected color. Some blond couples have dark haired babies; some dark haired couples have red-haired babies; some couples have babies with only peach fuzz! It may just persuade you to take a closer look at your family tree!
-Circumference of head and abdomen are about the same size for your baby. No wonder it's so hard to get a t-shirt over a newborn's head!
-If she is the "average baby," she weights 6.8 pounds (3083gm)and is 19.6 inches (49.8cm) long. (Baby Girl B is so NOT average!)
-Have you noticed she hiccups a lot? Because there is no air around her, those breathing exercises cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe. The result? Hiccups!
-Your child's intestines are accumulating lots of meconium. Meconium takes on the role of being your baby's first bowel movement -- removing the waste that has accumulated.
-She may have a full head of hair now -- an inch or more long! Don't be surprised if it's an unexpected color. Some blond couples have dark haired babies; some dark haired couples have red-haired babies; some couples have babies with only peach fuzz! It may just persuade you to take a closer look at your family tree!
-Circumference of head and abdomen are about the same size for your baby. No wonder it's so hard to get a t-shirt over a newborn's head!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
American Idol Top 10...a bit of a mixed bag
Ok. First of all-it was Motown night. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE myself some Motown music, anytime, anywhere. My momma raised me right-growing up, on Saturday mornings as we cleaned the house, we'd be listening to either Motown music or the Beatles. SUCH good memories (even though to this day I still hate least I still love the music!). And don't anyone say anything bad about Smoky Robinson. He is the man. As is Berry Gordy. Ok, I will say this-he (Smoky) does have some really, really white teeth. But enough about that.....
Before we get into the breakdown of the singers, let me just say this-Paula and Kara both had great hair tonight. But why the F were Paula's eyes so red? I mean, seriously? And she was starting to do the robot voice again (Mikey, you missed it). And what was that comment she made about waiting to see what's up her skirt? Um, Paula, no one wants to know what's up your skirt, mmmm k? I'm just sayin.....but seriously, the best part was when she whipped out coloring books and crayons for Simon, saying he was acting like a child. LOVED it. Actually, wait, the best part was when Simon drew a moustache on Paula. Yes, yes, THAT was definitely the best part of the night.
Ok, on to the critiques by your favorite non-musical expert (me):
MATT-He sang Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On". As my friend Tabitha pointed out, tricky song for a white guy to sing, but Matt seemed to pull it off. I thought he did a great job and finally got up from the piano! Kudos!
KRIS-I am a big fan of this kid. I was a boppin around the living room while he was singing "How Sweet It Is". He's adorable, he's got a great voice and he's totally marketable. I'd buy his CD over Taylor Hicks any day.....
SCOTT-Ok. I'm gonna just put it out there. He's a nice guy-yes. But he gotsta go. I'm sorry (free ticket to hell, anyone?). First of all, he tried to tackle "You Can't Hurry Love"-first mistake; second-he flubbed one of the lines. I mean, some parts of it were good, but some parts of it were a big ol' mess. And the background singers were freaking me the hell out.
MEGAN-hot mess. And quite possibly one of the weirdest things I've ever encountered. And was that dancing or was she have a seizure on the stage? No, I'm seriously asking......As Randy said, that was "mad crazy". And not in a good way.
ANOOP-I know some thought it was slow and boring, but I thought his performance of "Ooooo Baby Baby" was BEAUTIFUL. Dude hit some high notes and I think he did Smoky proud! I'm officially on the Anoop Dogg bandwagon with my friend Julie.
MICHAEL-Ummm.....Ok, first of all "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" is one of the greatest songs ever. And the judges were right-that song is just wayyyyyyy too big for him. He appeared to be trying too hard and it totally didn't work for him at all.
LIL-Yes she can sing the hell out of some songs, but the judges were right with her too-the beginning and middle were kinda all over the place, the end was great. As moved as she was by going to Detroit and seeing the Motown studios, I thought she was gonna kill it. But she didn't.
ADAM-Oh. My. God. He was A-MAZING. Stripped down, acoustic, no black nail polish, hair in a creepy Elvis-esque style, Adam's performance was simple beautiful. Smoky and I both had tears in our eyes....Smoky even gave him a standing ovation! Big kudos right there. In fact, I want to hear it again right now....LOVED IT!
DANNY-Danny Gokey is still amazing and fabulous. I thought his performance of "Get Ready" was fun, he sounded great, I even liked his dorky little dance moves with the background dancers. But he DIDN'T listen to Smoky and sing some of the background stuff like he told him too.....I'm just sayin....
ALLISON-Are you kidding me right now? Are you sure this girl isn't 36 instead of 16? Fan-freakin-tastic tonight. Wow. But seriously, at the beginning of the song, I thought we were listening to the Shaft theme song before I clued in that she was singing "Papa Was A Rolling Stone". And great rockin outfit. True story-I saw a woman in the cafeteria today at work with those same leggings on.
Bottom three SHOULD be: Megan, Scott and Michael.
Who SHOULD go home? Megan. Adios senorita!
Before we get into the breakdown of the singers, let me just say this-Paula and Kara both had great hair tonight. But why the F were Paula's eyes so red? I mean, seriously? And she was starting to do the robot voice again (Mikey, you missed it). And what was that comment she made about waiting to see what's up her skirt? Um, Paula, no one wants to know what's up your skirt, mmmm k? I'm just sayin.....but seriously, the best part was when she whipped out coloring books and crayons for Simon, saying he was acting like a child. LOVED it. Actually, wait, the best part was when Simon drew a moustache on Paula. Yes, yes, THAT was definitely the best part of the night.
Ok, on to the critiques by your favorite non-musical expert (me):
MATT-He sang Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On". As my friend Tabitha pointed out, tricky song for a white guy to sing, but Matt seemed to pull it off. I thought he did a great job and finally got up from the piano! Kudos!
KRIS-I am a big fan of this kid. I was a boppin around the living room while he was singing "How Sweet It Is". He's adorable, he's got a great voice and he's totally marketable. I'd buy his CD over Taylor Hicks any day.....
SCOTT-Ok. I'm gonna just put it out there. He's a nice guy-yes. But he gotsta go. I'm sorry (free ticket to hell, anyone?). First of all, he tried to tackle "You Can't Hurry Love"-first mistake; second-he flubbed one of the lines. I mean, some parts of it were good, but some parts of it were a big ol' mess. And the background singers were freaking me the hell out.
MEGAN-hot mess. And quite possibly one of the weirdest things I've ever encountered. And was that dancing or was she have a seizure on the stage? No, I'm seriously asking......As Randy said, that was "mad crazy". And not in a good way.
ANOOP-I know some thought it was slow and boring, but I thought his performance of "Ooooo Baby Baby" was BEAUTIFUL. Dude hit some high notes and I think he did Smoky proud! I'm officially on the Anoop Dogg bandwagon with my friend Julie.
MICHAEL-Ummm.....Ok, first of all "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" is one of the greatest songs ever. And the judges were right-that song is just wayyyyyyy too big for him. He appeared to be trying too hard and it totally didn't work for him at all.
LIL-Yes she can sing the hell out of some songs, but the judges were right with her too-the beginning and middle were kinda all over the place, the end was great. As moved as she was by going to Detroit and seeing the Motown studios, I thought she was gonna kill it. But she didn't.
ADAM-Oh. My. God. He was A-MAZING. Stripped down, acoustic, no black nail polish, hair in a creepy Elvis-esque style, Adam's performance was simple beautiful. Smoky and I both had tears in our eyes....Smoky even gave him a standing ovation! Big kudos right there. In fact, I want to hear it again right now....LOVED IT!
DANNY-Danny Gokey is still amazing and fabulous. I thought his performance of "Get Ready" was fun, he sounded great, I even liked his dorky little dance moves with the background dancers. But he DIDN'T listen to Smoky and sing some of the background stuff like he told him too.....I'm just sayin....
ALLISON-Are you kidding me right now? Are you sure this girl isn't 36 instead of 16? Fan-freakin-tastic tonight. Wow. But seriously, at the beginning of the song, I thought we were listening to the Shaft theme song before I clued in that she was singing "Papa Was A Rolling Stone". And great rockin outfit. True story-I saw a woman in the cafeteria today at work with those same leggings on.
Bottom three SHOULD be: Megan, Scott and Michael.
Who SHOULD go home? Megan. Adios senorita!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I have a new crack.
I'm gonna sum today up REAL quick like-
1. Today sucked ass.
2. I get to go to Pirrone's for dinner tonight, which almost negates the sucked assness of the day.
3. Did I mention that today sucked ass?
4. Mike Tinnin's singing voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard (besides DT's, that is).
5. I have a new crack in my windshield. That's two for anyone who's keeping track. Perhaps I should think about getting it fixed. Perhaps the magic money fairy will provide me with the funds to do so.
6. My plan after dinner is to watch Dancing With The Stars and go to bed. In that order.
1. Today sucked ass.
2. I get to go to Pirrone's for dinner tonight, which almost negates the sucked assness of the day.
3. Did I mention that today sucked ass?
4. Mike Tinnin's singing voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard (besides DT's, that is).
5. I have a new crack in my windshield. That's two for anyone who's keeping track. Perhaps I should think about getting it fixed. Perhaps the magic money fairy will provide me with the funds to do so.
6. My plan after dinner is to watch Dancing With The Stars and go to bed. In that order.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Week 37 Red and Baby Baum!
Wow....this baby is gonna be here soon! My co-worker JuJuane brought in her newborn today and while it didn't make me want to pop a kid out anytime soon, it DID make me even more excited about the birth of my niece....only 3 weeks away (or sooner!). If you'd like to get in on the betting, check out the fam blog...we are placing friendly little bets on when we think Baby Girl Baum is going to be born. Feel free to chime in! I'm going with April 11. :)
-This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds (2859gm) now and 19.1 inches (48.6cm) length. (although according to my sister's doctor, baby Baum is in the 5.5-6 lb range).
-She is officially full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb. (YAY!)
-Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water?"
-Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
-A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
-As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, she develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child. Ever heard of a baby getting her days/nights mixed up? Now's the time to try to avoid that!
-This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds (2859gm) now and 19.1 inches (48.6cm) length. (although according to my sister's doctor, baby Baum is in the 5.5-6 lb range).
-She is officially full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb. (YAY!)
-Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water?"
-Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
-A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
-As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, she develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child. Ever heard of a baby getting her days/nights mixed up? Now's the time to try to avoid that!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
American Idol Top 11 round up music week always has the potential to be scary. I mean, most of these people are not ever gonna be country music stars (I'll be talking about Adam Lambert in a minute). And seriously, seeing Randy Travis made me laugh out loud. Funny story-when my siblings and I were kids, typically every Saturday our mom took us to lunch at the Salem Pizza Hut (holla!) and inevitably, every single time we were there, Randy Travis's "Forever And Ever Amen" was playing on the jukebox. And my mother would always, always, always make fun of it, sometimes even making up her own lyrics, and us kids joined in on the fun. Ok, so maybe the story wasn't all that funny, but it's some good memories, so thanks Randy Travis! Ok, let's break down tonight's performances, shall we?
Michael Sarver-Ok, yea, yea, yea, he's a nice guy, I get it, but I also think he's going home this week. His rendition of "Ain't Goin Down Til The Sun Comes Up" was good, just not good enough although I did enjoy him sassing Simon.
Allison Iraheta-she was pretty good, Paula's comments seemed to confuse her (as they did the rest of us as well....). I'm kinda neutral about her.
Kris Allen-LOVED him! One of my favorites tonight. Not only is he adorable, but the lil dude can SING! I heart him.
Lil Rounds-well, she looked GREAT. Her performance? Eh, it was ok. Better than I could do, certainly, but just ok in my opinion. That being said, she will be safe for many weeks to come.
Adam Lambert-what the f**k was that???? I'm pretty sure Johnny Cash is turning in his grave right now. Yowza. I's skurrrrrred. And he scared Randy Travis too, that made me LMAO. And seriously, could dude BE any gayer? Hell, he makes Mikey look straight. Well, kinda.
Scott MacIntyre-ok, I'm gonna be the bad guy here, but I'm kinda over the blind guy. Yes, I said it, so sue me. I mean, he's got a nice enough voice and he seems like a nice guy, but he's kinda boring. I'm just sayin.....
Alexis Grace-I'm starting to get over her too. The song was ok, she thinks she's better than she actually is. And her hair? What the f? She looked like she was 87 years old and just got it set at the beauty parlor. I mean, seriously! Honey, you're 21 years old. Look like it for crying out loud!
Danny Gokey-ok, was the beginning great? No, but was the ending? Yes. And Mikey, he sang "Jesus Take The Wheel", one of your favorite songs to perform at work! I heart Danny Gokey.
Anoop Desai-LOVED him tonight! Holla! Anoop Dogg redeemed himself hardcore tonight, the song was beautiful and listening to Randy Travis try to say "Anoop" was worth the price of admission.
Megan Joy-I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. What the f was that? The judges seem to dig her for reasons unknown, I don't and it's my blog. So there. Next.
Matt Giraud-Yea, he was pretty darn good, I must say, sounded great, but will he ever sing without playing the piano? Stay tuned. Ok, I'm just jealous because one of my life's goals is to learn how to play the piano....and seriously, watching Paula try to say the word "authenticity" was freakin hilarious. And was she sniffing Simon's arm? Weird, but at least she was fairly lucid tonight and seemed to have laid off the opiates a bit.
My guess is that nice guy Michael is heading home tomorrow. We shall see!
Seacrest out.
Michael Sarver-Ok, yea, yea, yea, he's a nice guy, I get it, but I also think he's going home this week. His rendition of "Ain't Goin Down Til The Sun Comes Up" was good, just not good enough although I did enjoy him sassing Simon.
Allison Iraheta-she was pretty good, Paula's comments seemed to confuse her (as they did the rest of us as well....). I'm kinda neutral about her.
Kris Allen-LOVED him! One of my favorites tonight. Not only is he adorable, but the lil dude can SING! I heart him.
Lil Rounds-well, she looked GREAT. Her performance? Eh, it was ok. Better than I could do, certainly, but just ok in my opinion. That being said, she will be safe for many weeks to come.
Adam Lambert-what the f**k was that???? I'm pretty sure Johnny Cash is turning in his grave right now. Yowza. I's skurrrrrred. And he scared Randy Travis too, that made me LMAO. And seriously, could dude BE any gayer? Hell, he makes Mikey look straight. Well, kinda.
Scott MacIntyre-ok, I'm gonna be the bad guy here, but I'm kinda over the blind guy. Yes, I said it, so sue me. I mean, he's got a nice enough voice and he seems like a nice guy, but he's kinda boring. I'm just sayin.....
Alexis Grace-I'm starting to get over her too. The song was ok, she thinks she's better than she actually is. And her hair? What the f? She looked like she was 87 years old and just got it set at the beauty parlor. I mean, seriously! Honey, you're 21 years old. Look like it for crying out loud!
Danny Gokey-ok, was the beginning great? No, but was the ending? Yes. And Mikey, he sang "Jesus Take The Wheel", one of your favorite songs to perform at work! I heart Danny Gokey.
Anoop Desai-LOVED him tonight! Holla! Anoop Dogg redeemed himself hardcore tonight, the song was beautiful and listening to Randy Travis try to say "Anoop" was worth the price of admission.
Megan Joy-I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. What the f was that? The judges seem to dig her for reasons unknown, I don't and it's my blog. So there. Next.
Matt Giraud-Yea, he was pretty darn good, I must say, sounded great, but will he ever sing without playing the piano? Stay tuned. Ok, I'm just jealous because one of my life's goals is to learn how to play the piano....and seriously, watching Paula try to say the word "authenticity" was freakin hilarious. And was she sniffing Simon's arm? Weird, but at least she was fairly lucid tonight and seemed to have laid off the opiates a bit.
My guess is that nice guy Michael is heading home tomorrow. We shall see!
Seacrest out.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today was a good day
Yes, today was a good day. Granted, I woke up with a headache for the 4th day in a row, but it was still a good day. I got up and dragged myself to church, where Grandpa proceeded to flirt with the 40-something year old usher (he's not at all subtle....). Church was good and then afterward, I spent the afternoon with Grandpa. He was fairly well behaved with only one racial slur that I can remember (he called an Asian guy we saw on TV a "China-man"). After Grandpa's, I went home and decided to go for a jog/walk. I don't know how far I went, but I was gone for an hour-it was SO nice here today! Sunny and 62 degrees-can't beat that with a stick! Following my walk, I watched the Blues game, battling for a playoff spot, I knew the game would be fun-and it didn't disappoint, they won 5-3 and are only a point out of the last playoff spot (but come on, does anyone really want to end up the #8 team? I mean, you'll have to play the Red Wings in the first round...not like that would be at all fun, I mean, seriously.). Now I am watching Team USA in the's an elimination game, but currently they are beating the surprising Netherlands team 8-0. Go USA! On top of all the fun sports stuff, I got to talk to my mom, brother and sister today. YAY! Oh yea, and there's only 26 more days until my sister's due date! YAY again! :)
I realize tomorrow is Monday and I hate Monday's, but I'll try to get through it. Besides, I have Friday off! :)
I realize tomorrow is Monday and I hate Monday's, but I'll try to get through it. Besides, I have Friday off! :)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Day #3 of this headache
This is starting to get un-fun. This lil headache of mine is NOT cute. Why won't it go away? I blame the onset of spring, all those nasty allergens that layed (is "layed" a word? Well, it is now, it hurts too much to think right now) dormant through the winter months are awakening.....and attacking my sinuses. Bastards. I started taking my prescription allergy medication again this week but it makes me sooooooooo sleepy. It's a no-win situation for ol' KD.
I was/am really looking forward to my plans today and really don't want to have to cancel because my head hurts so bad I can't hardly see straight. Must hit the ibuprofen bottle again. Later.
The more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure "layed" is not a word. I don't care.
I was/am really looking forward to my plans today and really don't want to have to cancel because my head hurts so bad I can't hardly see straight. Must hit the ibuprofen bottle again. Later.
The more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure "layed" is not a word. I don't care.
Friday, March 13, 2009
My head's a' achin'.....
This is weird. So, I woke up with a headache today, we are FREAKISHLY busy at work today (damn you Mike Tinnin for being out of the office!!!), yet I'm still in a good mood. I don't know why, and that fact may change as the day goes on, but for now, I'm in a good mood. For now.
Happy Friday the 13th y'all! Ooooooooo...are ya scared? What is everyone doing this weekend? I'm spending my Friday night saving lives at the crisis line. Yahoo. Tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be nicer (near 50) and sunny, but I will probably be indoors watching the WBC. Yes, I'm obsessed. I soooooo want baseball season to be here. Erin and I will be going to the All-Star Game Fanfest in July (as you know, the ASG is in St. Louis this year-holla!), what an exciting event (I say that fairly sarcastically....)! With our admission, we have the opportunity to meet a bunch of old, retired players (probably dudes no one has ever heard of), make our own baseball card AND pose next to the world's largest baseball. Please don't be jealous of us. I'm excited about the Pujols pack we purchased-7 games for the price of 5 and our first game is April 8-that's soon (AND the day before my niece is due!).
Saturday night Tanya and I are hanging out with "the girls". And by "the girls", I mean Mike, Will, Don and Mike's friend Darrell. And possibly Matthew Traeger. I love myself some Matthew Traeger. I'm just sayin. It'll be big gay fun.
I just decided I was done typing. Happy weekend y'all!
Happy Friday the 13th y'all! Ooooooooo...are ya scared? What is everyone doing this weekend? I'm spending my Friday night saving lives at the crisis line. Yahoo. Tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be nicer (near 50) and sunny, but I will probably be indoors watching the WBC. Yes, I'm obsessed. I soooooo want baseball season to be here. Erin and I will be going to the All-Star Game Fanfest in July (as you know, the ASG is in St. Louis this year-holla!), what an exciting event (I say that fairly sarcastically....)! With our admission, we have the opportunity to meet a bunch of old, retired players (probably dudes no one has ever heard of), make our own baseball card AND pose next to the world's largest baseball. Please don't be jealous of us. I'm excited about the Pujols pack we purchased-7 games for the price of 5 and our first game is April 8-that's soon (AND the day before my niece is due!).
Saturday night Tanya and I are hanging out with "the girls". And by "the girls", I mean Mike, Will, Don and Mike's friend Darrell. And possibly Matthew Traeger. I love myself some Matthew Traeger. I'm just sayin. It'll be big gay fun.
I just decided I was done typing. Happy weekend y'all!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Happy Week 36 Red.....we're officially on the Baby Baum countdown!!!!!
In less than a month, I will be an aunt. More importantly, in less than a month, my baby sister will be a mommy. THAT is something I cannot wait for. Our little baby girl will be here soon! With each passing day, I grow more and more excited, I just can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like. And spoil her, of course. ;)
So, she's almost done cookin, but there are still some things going on with her this week:
-Your baby is almost ready and most likely, so are you! The only organ still to mature is the lungs. While certainly you are both growing anxious to meet, remember that each day (up to 42 weeks), that your little one stays within your womb will multiply her chances to breathe on her own. (I'm pretty sure my sister doesn't want to hear the words "fourty TWO weeks"). ;)
-If she hasn't already, this week your baby may drop into the birth canal. While breathing for mom becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite! If she's not your first baby, this "lightening" may not occur until right before labor.
-Fat is dimpling your baby's elbows and knees, and forming creases in the neck and wrists. (YES! I love fat babies!) :)
-Her skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.
-Her gums are very rigid. It won't be many months before you'll see her teeth.
-She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products. (great?)
-Your child's average size is now 18.66 inches (47.4cm) and 5.78 pounds (2622 g). Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!
So, she's almost done cookin, but there are still some things going on with her this week:
-Your baby is almost ready and most likely, so are you! The only organ still to mature is the lungs. While certainly you are both growing anxious to meet, remember that each day (up to 42 weeks), that your little one stays within your womb will multiply her chances to breathe on her own. (I'm pretty sure my sister doesn't want to hear the words "fourty TWO weeks"). ;)
-If she hasn't already, this week your baby may drop into the birth canal. While breathing for mom becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite! If she's not your first baby, this "lightening" may not occur until right before labor.
-Fat is dimpling your baby's elbows and knees, and forming creases in the neck and wrists. (YES! I love fat babies!) :)
-Her skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.
-Her gums are very rigid. It won't be many months before you'll see her teeth.
-She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products. (great?)
-Your child's average size is now 18.66 inches (47.4cm) and 5.78 pounds (2622 g). Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
KD breaks down the American Idol Top 13
I had to post on this tonight while I still remember the performances (and some, truthfully, I needed the recap to remember....). So, tonight was the first night of actual real performances on American Idol and to sum it up in a few words, some were great, some were so so and some were destined to be appearing at a karaoke stage near you. So, without further adieu, let's break it down, shall we?
Lil Rounds-she's clearly very good. No doubt. But she needs to remember she is not Mary J. Blige. That being said, she is probably gonna be the last woman standing (not hard since only 5 of the 13 are women!).
Scott McIntyre-In performances past, I have really loved him, but tonight I missed his entire performance because my satellite went out. Was he any good? Mom, does his stage presence still freak you out? ;)
Danny Gokey-LOVE me some Danny! His voice is amazing, yes, his dancing was a bit scary (what white dude dancing ISN'T scary?), but he is just great, great, great. And I love Michael Jackson's "PYT". Great song. :)
Michael Sarver-Ok, nice guy, an "every man" if you will. He's a good singer, but he's way outta his league here. I feel bad saying that, but there are 8-9 other singers that are just way, way better.
Jasmine (forgot her last name, enter that HERE)-I thought her rendition of "I'll Be There" was great, not exciting, but she hit every note and she's cute as a button.
Kris (forgot his last name too....)-Ok, I have never seen him before, but I liked him. The singing was good, the judges were right-he has a bit of a Jason Mraz vibe to him. I personally dig Jason Mraz so it was a-ok with me. Besides, he's adorable. He'll get the little teeny bopper girl vote for sure.
Allison (what in the hell is her last name? Geez, I'm getting bad at this....)-Um, are you sure that girl is only 16? I thought she was great-kinda reminds me of the lead singer of Heart. I'm convinced this girl is at least 36, however.....
Anoop "Dogg" Desai-Oh Anoop, I do love him, I really do, but the judges were spot on-it sounded like karaoke. But I still love him
Jorge Nunez (is that right? The last name? I really can't remember....)-Not gonna lie, I have a soft spot in my heart for good ol' Jorge. That being said, he was not all that great tonight. Pretty cheesy, fairly cruise shippy and it looked like he borrowed his outfit from Don Johnson during the Miami Vice years....yowza.
Megan (NO idea what her last name is.)-Ugh. "Rockin Robin"? Are you kidding me? Ugh again. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Also very karaoke-esque and do my ears deceive me or did I hear her "caw" like a bird at the end? WTF????
Adam Lambert-HOLLA!!!! LOVED me some Adam tonight. Yes, he's a bit theatrical at times, but good Lord can he hit some notes! He. Was. Amazing. Nuff said.
Matt Gerard-this kid reminds me of Justin Timberlake. He did fairly well, the end was a bit icky, but overall a nice job. He's not all that memorable though. Other than the fact that he looks like JT. Moving on.
Alexis Grace-I know Simon wasn't impressed, but I thought her "Dirty Diana" was hot! I can't believe that voice comes out of that little bitty girl! She and Lil are definitely the girls to beat!
So, two will be going home tomorrow night. I'd say it's a three-way tie between Michael, Anoop and Jorge. May the best man win.
My favorites are definitely Adam and Danny. They are leagues above everyone else.
Seacrest out.
Lil Rounds-she's clearly very good. No doubt. But she needs to remember she is not Mary J. Blige. That being said, she is probably gonna be the last woman standing (not hard since only 5 of the 13 are women!).
Scott McIntyre-In performances past, I have really loved him, but tonight I missed his entire performance because my satellite went out. Was he any good? Mom, does his stage presence still freak you out? ;)
Danny Gokey-LOVE me some Danny! His voice is amazing, yes, his dancing was a bit scary (what white dude dancing ISN'T scary?), but he is just great, great, great. And I love Michael Jackson's "PYT". Great song. :)
Michael Sarver-Ok, nice guy, an "every man" if you will. He's a good singer, but he's way outta his league here. I feel bad saying that, but there are 8-9 other singers that are just way, way better.
Jasmine (forgot her last name, enter that HERE)-I thought her rendition of "I'll Be There" was great, not exciting, but she hit every note and she's cute as a button.
Kris (forgot his last name too....)-Ok, I have never seen him before, but I liked him. The singing was good, the judges were right-he has a bit of a Jason Mraz vibe to him. I personally dig Jason Mraz so it was a-ok with me. Besides, he's adorable. He'll get the little teeny bopper girl vote for sure.
Allison (what in the hell is her last name? Geez, I'm getting bad at this....)-Um, are you sure that girl is only 16? I thought she was great-kinda reminds me of the lead singer of Heart. I'm convinced this girl is at least 36, however.....
Anoop "Dogg" Desai-Oh Anoop, I do love him, I really do, but the judges were spot on-it sounded like karaoke. But I still love him
Jorge Nunez (is that right? The last name? I really can't remember....)-Not gonna lie, I have a soft spot in my heart for good ol' Jorge. That being said, he was not all that great tonight. Pretty cheesy, fairly cruise shippy and it looked like he borrowed his outfit from Don Johnson during the Miami Vice years....yowza.
Megan (NO idea what her last name is.)-Ugh. "Rockin Robin"? Are you kidding me? Ugh again. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Also very karaoke-esque and do my ears deceive me or did I hear her "caw" like a bird at the end? WTF????
Adam Lambert-HOLLA!!!! LOVED me some Adam tonight. Yes, he's a bit theatrical at times, but good Lord can he hit some notes! He. Was. Amazing. Nuff said.
Matt Gerard-this kid reminds me of Justin Timberlake. He did fairly well, the end was a bit icky, but overall a nice job. He's not all that memorable though. Other than the fact that he looks like JT. Moving on.
Alexis Grace-I know Simon wasn't impressed, but I thought her "Dirty Diana" was hot! I can't believe that voice comes out of that little bitty girl! She and Lil are definitely the girls to beat!
So, two will be going home tomorrow night. I'd say it's a three-way tie between Michael, Anoop and Jorge. May the best man win.
My favorites are definitely Adam and Danny. They are leagues above everyone else.
Seacrest out.
Monday, March 09, 2009
My sister's due date is ONE MONTH from today!
Good morning all and happy Monday. I say this as I am listening to Dr. Annoying drone on and on and on about his son's soccer tournament this weekend. I swear, by listening to him, you'd think this kid is the next Pele....I expect him to make the next Olympic team....(enter me rolling my eyes).
this pic made me cry. In her special little chair is the Build-A-Bear that her Auntie Kerri gave her and the stuffed pig (that represents her Great Grandma B) from the precious.
I had a good weekend, spent it at my parents. I needed some time away to relax and I did do that, but I also sneezed a lot. Seems I forget that while the spring weather is lovely, it also brings out all the allergens-so, I spent some time outside but paid the price for it. My parents have a new pet. Well, my dad says he's not staying, but I have a feeling pops is getting soft in his old age. This lil guy (named Rex by my brother), just showed up the other day and has stuck around. He's not at all intimidated by Hank or Stubby (I actually saw them both back down to this little thing at dinner time...those two NEVER back down at dinner time...), so unless we can find him a new home, I suspect he's already found one....
Sad news, my friend Carilee's mother passed away on Saturday. I've known Carilee (and her mom) since I was in kindergarten, so this was kinda shocking and sad to hear. She'd been sick with cancer for a couple of years now, so I know it was expected, but it's still hard to hear. Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with Carilee and her family. Makes me appreciate even more what I have.
I'm working half a day today, but not to go do something fun. Oh no, it's Dentist Day...part deux. I'm trying to not be a big baby like I was last time, but I'm already feeling anxious. I can't eat, and I'm quite antsy. I need to get a grip. And/or some heavy duty anxiety meds.....
Turns out I'm somewhat obsessed with the World Baseball Classic. Who knew? I watched both Team USA games (kicking the CRAP out of Venezuela and beating those friendly Canucks by a run) and apparently am way into the Dominican Republic. Again, who knew? I just about drooled on the TV this weekend as I got to see Mark DeRosa (now former!) and Ted Lilly and Carlos Marmol from the Cubs....makes me SO excited for baseball season!
In other good news, today is March precious baby niece is due on April 9....ONE MONTH from today! Wow. I can't hardly believe it and I can't wait to meet her. My brother-in-law posted pictures of her finished nursery last night and it looks GREAT! She is gonna love her new home! I snagged a couple of pics as well as a pic of my beautiful sis at 35 weeks (yes, it caused some people at work to curse her name as she looks GREAT!). Here ya go:
lookin good kid!
Love it! Can you guess her name? Jon hung up just a few of the letters to mess with my parents when they were there a couple of weeks thinks I know...... ;)



And last but not least, I miss my Mikey. He's been in San Diego and has abandoned his Ker Bear. I'm just sayin.....
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Happy Week 35 Red and Baby Girl Baum!
The time for my niece's arrival is drawing near....we're down to only FIVE weeks until her due date! Can you even believe it? I grow more and more excited with each passing day. I can't wait to meet her! At this point she is pretty much viable, but we'd still like her to cook a little bit longer. Here's what's going on with her:
-The average baby weighs almost five and a half pounds now.
-Most babies born now will survive and without many long-term problems.
-Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week. These layers of fat will help her regulate her body temperature. They also provide those cute little dimples on elbows and knees!
-Her hearing is fully developed, so be sure to talk to your daughter. Do you find yourself speaking in a high-pitched tone? That's okay since some studies show babies respond better to higher pitches.
-It's getting crowded! Your baby is now taking up most of the uterus and you may even feel like your chest has run out of room! Soon enough though, baby will move down and you'll be able to breathe easily again (just not walk so easily! Ha!).
-Your baby is 18.2 inches (46.2cm) long and weighs 5.3 pounds (2383gm).
-The average baby weighs almost five and a half pounds now.
-Most babies born now will survive and without many long-term problems.
-Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week. These layers of fat will help her regulate her body temperature. They also provide those cute little dimples on elbows and knees!
-Her hearing is fully developed, so be sure to talk to your daughter. Do you find yourself speaking in a high-pitched tone? That's okay since some studies show babies respond better to higher pitches.
-It's getting crowded! Your baby is now taking up most of the uterus and you may even feel like your chest has run out of room! Soon enough though, baby will move down and you'll be able to breathe easily again (just not walk so easily! Ha!).
-Your baby is 18.2 inches (46.2cm) long and weighs 5.3 pounds (2383gm).
Lou Piniella and Co are BACK!
So, last night, for a small moment in time, I was infinitely happy. I haven't been too happy as of late, so it was a welcome change. Now, don't go gettin' all worried about me, call it seasonal depression, call it the blahs, call it whatever, I'm sure I'll be fine. So, what made me infinitely happy, you may ask? was the fact that, for the first time since October, I was able to watch Cubs baseball. Yes, that's right, WGN aired a pre-season game last night and I couldn't have been more ecstatic. They were even playing the dreaded White Sox, so it was doubly fun. Just seeing some of my favorite boys in blue but a big ol' goofy smile on my face. Got to see my man Aramis Ramirez, and little Ryan Theriot, and So Taguchi??? SO weird seeing SO in blue, but whatever, dude hit a nice 2-run scoring base hit, so I won't complain too much. Yes, baseball is almost here folks (opening day is April 6, be there or be square!), get ready! I know I am! In case you were wondering, my geriatric crush on Lou Piniella is still in tact. Did you see the interview with him? I heart Lou. ;)
I also watched the Mizzou/Oklahoma basketball game....big exciting stuff as Missouri was ranked 12th and OU 4th. But guess what? Mizzou kicked their little Sooner booties. LOVE IT! My girls Tanya, Allison and I are having March Madness Day on 3/20. Can't wait to fill out my brackets and pretend I know what I'm talking about (I don't. At all.). Good times! :)
I also watched the Mizzou/Oklahoma basketball game....big exciting stuff as Missouri was ranked 12th and OU 4th. But guess what? Mizzou kicked their little Sooner booties. LOVE IT! My girls Tanya, Allison and I are having March Madness Day on 3/20. Can't wait to fill out my brackets and pretend I know what I'm talking about (I don't. At all.). Good times! :)
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