Saturday, September 30, 2006


that is how I feel. blah. Whatever illness I have, it is totally kicking my butt-and taking names. As I type, I feel my fever breaking-a good thing, but I feel gross.

The open house at Red and Jon's was good. Great food Red! The thing about having a cold is that you get way freakin' hungry-or at least I do. And I was happy to get to spend time with my niece Chloe (so what if she's a dog-she LOVES her auntie!). I'm sorry Red, but that dress you had on her was a little much-I think it may even constitute animal cruelty....Mom and Dad were in town for the day too-it was good to see them. A good chunk of the extended family was there too and, as always, it was great to see them. What I did not like was the fact that my little cousins that are 14 and 13 are all taller than me. That just isn't cool. I fell asleep on the couch at one point. I would have stayed asleep but I heard Grandpa yell "what's the matter with Kerri-bird?". That woke me up.

The multiple showings of the wedding video were almost too much to take. It did convince me I should never drink again-or at least not give any speeches when drunk again. The video really was pretty darn funny, but it is hard to watch yourself on video. Do I really talk like that? At least I didn't look fat-I was pretty happy about that. RED-that video doesn't leave your house-understand?????

Well, it's 9pm. Too soon for another Sudafed dose (you don't have to worry about me trying to make meth out of it, don't worry. Although you can take the girl out of Salem......). Speaking of Salem, mom, what is that web site again? I totally want to see it. Ok, now I'm rambling. I think I'm done for today. Family-I love you, great to see you, and thanks Aunt Jan for changing the date of your family dinner so I can go out dressed like a pirate! :)

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