Friday, September 15, 2006

Ah, the joy of hanging out with toddlers.....

So, I went to my friend Val's little girls 2nd birthday party after work today. Let me tell you how entertaining it is to be around a bunch of 2, 3, and 4 year olds. Such good times. I had Carrie's little guy Reed (age 4) ask me if I wanted to come to his house. He also informed me that their puppy "took a huge pee" in the house today. He was cracking me up. Kept saying "you know what?" and talking a mile a minute. And the birthday girl really had no interest in anything birthday related. She walked off in the middle of opening her presents to go play on the playground. She DID sit for cake though. We tried to get Carrie's 7 year old son Parker to recite his Boy Scout pledge to us but he got all embarrassed and wouldn't do it. My friend Krista was there too with her 2 year old Hannah Grace. They were all just so freakin' cute. Two is a good age. They're hilarious. I had a really good time. And people, let me tell ya, Val's home made macaroni and cheese is quite possibly the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. Seriously. Seriously, I wanted to eat the whole crock pot full. I didn't. But I wanted to.

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