Friday, September 29, 2006

$1.99 for gas is the greatest thing since sliced bread

Really. Isn't it sad that we are excited about $1.99? Hell, I didn't even need gas but I stopped by to fill up just because I wanted to catch it while its under 2 bucks....I've missed the days where $10 can get you plenty of gas to make it until the next, I totally have a sore throat today and my ears are popping-never a good thing, I'm pretty sure. My throat started hurting last night (Mike-did you notice me drinking like 8 glasses of water? That was why!), I shrugged it off, took some Benadryl and went to bed. When I woke up this morning, I pretty much felt like crap (although I'm in a good mood!), I feel weak and tired...sounds like I have a GREAT weekend ahead of me, huh? Yea.....

So my parents will be in town tomorrow, very excited to see them. My sis is having an open house at her house-really it is an excuse to publicly embarrass people by showing the Wedding Video...I recall Robert (the best man) and I being interviewed by some dude claiming he was making a video, I have no idea what I said to him, but I'm sure it was good, whatever it was. Yikes......

Hope everyone has a good weekend. TGIF! This week went by pretty fast though. I have a feeling I'll be spending my weekend in bed, with kleenex and DayQuil/NyQuil/Benadryl....good times. Guess I won't so much be bringing sexy back, huh?

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