Friday, September 01, 2006

It's official-the "ber" months have begun!!!!

My favorite time of year has begun! Yay! I absolutely LOVE SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER and DecemBER. Get it? The "ber" months? Ok...I thought it was funny. Anyway....along with the unofficial start of fall, I also have the ever fun seasonal allergies. They have come on full force this week. Right now I have been sneezing just by sitting in my living room, my head hurts, I'm congested. Good excuse to take Benadryl, if you ask me!

Went to happy hour tonight with the old crisis line crew. It was good to see the ladies. Was Maria drunk? I wasn't too sure, but she was laughing an awful lot... :) I hear that my old cubicle now houses pictures of Joey Lawrence and Corey Haim???? What the??? Stephen has lost his ever loving mind. As for the "robots or pirates" game-I'm going with pirates. Robots are kinda creepy.

Speaking of creepy-I was sitting in the living room just a little bit ago and the TV turned off by itself. The remote was sitting on the table-I didn't touch it. So, I'm just a little freaked out right now. I think either JoJo or Sparky did it.....

The new job is going well. I'm starting to "get it". Actually, today my trainer told me that I was "whizzing through" the work. I asked her if I should play stupid so I wouldn't have so much work to do....I tried to explain that I am used to doing about 100 things at the same time at work, so balancing a bunch of cases and trainings is not too hard to do. I know the job will get harder but for now, it's starting to make sense. My co-workers continue to be great. Today my boss bought our team pizza-that was way cool.

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend. I don't even know what to do with myself-I haven't had Labor Day off in like 6 years. Weird. I think I'll spend it sleeping or something productive like that. Adios people.

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