Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Pixy stick high

Stephen brought me one of those giant pixy sticks today. Remember them? About two feet long in a big plastic tube? Approximately a pound of pure sugar? Yea.....he had been bringing in the normal sized ones daily and sharing them with me (because everyone loves Kerri on a sugar high!). I think we met our match with the giant pixy stick, however. After working on consuming all the sugar after about 30 minutes, we both hit a wall. I had to stop. Never got the high I was looking for. Instead, I think I am in a sugar coma. As we speak.


Stephen M Bourke said...

She's not kidding. I feel like I'm gonna hurl. I'm not even going to try to finish the second one. I never thought I'd be beat by a two foot long tube of pixy dust.

KD said...

Dude, I'm crashing hard...Stephen, when we go to rehab, can we go together? How bout the Salem Tx Center? Maybe we can get out on a pass and my mom can make us dinner....

Stephen M Bourke said...

I cut it out cold turkey today. Actually had a can of soup at work tonight. I'm even more fried off the stuff than I was when I overdosed last night...

KD said...

DUDE! Who put the Skittles on my desk???? Someone is sabotaging my rehab....