Tuesday, January 31, 2006

By popular demand...

Ok, no one actually demanded it, but I am gonna tell this story anyway. It's called "The underwear and the grasshopper". Stop me if you've heard this one before.

It's another story from my youth involving my brother and his friend Jeremiah (see the hot water heater/big red ball story from earlier today). On this particular occasion, Tim (Timmy at the time) had Jeremiah over to spend the night. While the boys were playing outside, my sister and I thought it would be fun to play a practical joke on them. So (I know this is gross), we cleaned all the hair out of a hairbrush (making a hairball) and hid it in Jeremiah's overnight bag-apparently near his undies. Later that evening, we hear sudden screaming coming from my brother's room. The hairball had been discovered. While my sister and I laughed uncontrollably, the boys were apparently plotting their revenge. And revenge they got.

Later on that night, it was nearing bedtime. My sister and I (who shared a room at the time) went into our room to go to bed. As I turned on the light, I saw what appeared to be something jumping out of the corner of my eye. Then I saw it again. Holy crap! The boys had released LIVE grasshoppers in our bedroom and shut the door. My sister and I began screaming and yelling for the boys, who were, of course laughing their asses off. I demanded they capture those vile critters at once as this punishment was way too harsh for the original crime. They managed to capture all but one and planned to call it a night. Oh no, I said, you WILL find the other one or no one is going to bed tonight! Eventually the little jumping bastard was found and normalcy returned to the Davidson home. This story may explain why I am creeped out by grasshoppers to this day. I think I have PTSD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Argh! Maybe you have Pid from all of them grasshoppers jumping around in your booty!