Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy 30th Birthday to Dr. Mike AKA my much, MUCH older cousin...

Ok, so 18 days isn't really "much" older, but it's still older (and I'm still 29!). Seriously, cousin, hope you are having a GREAT birthday today! Look at all you've accomplished in 30 years-you've become a doctor, married a great gal, and moved to paradise (AKA Beaufort, SC!!!!). You've got it all man (not to mention your kick ass family you have!). Did you feel any different today? Get any new gray hairs or wrinkles? Does 30 freak you out at all? I'm getting less freaked out about it, mostly because I have no choice in the matter. I think the fact that life is great right now really helps the transition into a new decade. Or something like that...

Anyway, Mike, have a great day, miss you and Kim tons! Tell Beaufort I said "sup".

Love ya!



Anonymous said...

Turning 30 wasn't any big deal. I could care less really. I guess I have always been pretty laid back about most things. Bonus is that maybe my patients will stop telling me I look too young to be doing this. Thanks for the multiple blog comments

Mike "The Eldest Cousin"

KD said...

Awww...consider it a compliment, Doogie! :)