Monday, March 07, 2011

The season hasn't even started yet and I'm already angry

I realize being a Cubs fan requires reliance on mood stabilizers and heavy doses of alcohol just to get through the season, but I am already worked up and irritated...and it's only the second week of Spring Training. Yikes.

Carlos Silva sucks. Just putting that out there. The fattie assumed the 5th spot in the starting rotation was his and that there was no contest. Well, let's see, Mr Silva, in your first game you picked a fight with Rami (which did prompt a shirtless Rami interview, so it wasn't all bad) and today? Today I think you outdid yourself, giving up an epic EIGHT THREE innings. Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaavo!

Seriously, Cubs, cut your losses now. He is not going to get any better. He's not even good enough for AAA Iowa. Make him go away, like, yesterday. Thanks.

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