Thursday, March 10, 2011

My little munchkin is sick. :(

Little miss Kendall is a very sick little girl. Her doctor yesterday diagnosed her with a pretty icky case of RSV and an ear infection. Munchkin was having trouble breathing, had no appetite and was throwing up. She got sent home with breathing treatments. From what I hear from my sister, it was a pretty rough night, but today, although she is still having breathing issues and has no appetite, she appears to be on the mend. She's taking advantage of her sickness status and is watching her favorite show, "Lala", AKA The Fresh Beat Band. It's a horrible show on Nick Jr but she LOVES it. She calls it "Lala" because thats how the theme song goes. :)

I'm glad to hear she appears to be on the  mend. I just hated that my baby girl was so sick and miserable. My sis said she's been asking for, how cute is that??? Unfortunately, Aunt Kiwi is also battling some sort of bug, so being around the sick kiddo probably isn't the best idea right now. Although I wish I could give her lots and lots of hugs. I miss her every day that I don't see her.

Get well soon baby girl! Aunt Kiwi loves you!

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