Friday, April 02, 2010

It's a good Good Friday

Hello all! I've been MIA this week.....that's because I've been working my ass off (not literally, unfortunately). Work has been crazy busy this week as we've obtained some new business....not as crazy as we feared, but crazy nonetheless. I arrived at work at 6:30am yesterday in preparation for this new Wisconsin business. So far, everyone I've talked to has been nice but it's clear they're not used to being tightly managed (it IS called managed care for a reason, you know). So, my hunch is, that in time, they are going to come to hate me. This is the honeymoon period. I did have one gentleman in Menomonee Falls, WI tell me I talked funny. He then asked me if I though he talked funny and I said yes. We're now best friends. That, and I used the word "Wisconsinites" in a sentence and he told me that earned me bonus cool points. Awesome. Apparently there will be a summertime trip to Mil-i-wau-kee to do some site can only hope their idea of hospitality is NOT taking us to a Brewers game . That is, unless the Cubs are in town then......So, so far things are running smoothly. Give it time.

MOVING WEEKEND IS HERE! Yes, my sis, bro-in-law and niece (along w/my parents) should be well on their way to Missouri right now. They're splitting the drive into two days as it's not easy to make good time with three cars, a U-Haul, a dog, a baby and my dad who needs to eat every two hours. The goal is for them to be here in St. Louis sometime tomorrow afternoon and then they can NEVER LEAVE AGAIN. I must insist upon it. I need to see that precious baby girl grow up. Speaking of, her first birthday is only 6 days away! Can you even believe it? Aunt Kerri has finally stopped buying her things for her birthday.....but I did also make her an Easter basket. I couldn't help it. Turns out my mom did too. :) I sooooo can't wait to see my family this weekend. Church on Easter Sunday will be particularly special this year since my family will all be there. Yay!

Speaking of church, heading to Good Friday services by myself tonight. Seems neither gramps nor my aunt and uncle plan to attend, so this girl is going solo. I like Good Friday services. It's very solemn. The only issue is that it doesn't start until 7pm. I get off work at 4pm and church is wayyyy closer to work than it is home, so it'd be crazy to drive all the way home and then come back up here, so, I am faced with the dilemma of having to kill three hours. I plan to workout after work (if these mother effin shin splints will allow me), that'll kill an hour, but what to do from 5-7? Hmmmm......I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Happy weekend everyone! Happy Easter (if you celebrate it, that is)!


Jen Estes said...

Happy Easter, KD! My ass has also been metaphorically worked off, don't know how I'm going to squeeze in all these baseball games that start... MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KD said...

Monday, Monday, Monday! I can't wait! I'm super pumped about this season. I don't know why...but I am! I just missed Cubs baseball sooooooo much.

Oh, baseball fans, you MUST read Josh Hamilton's book. I cried. For reals.