Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Return to work day, AKA The day KD finally loses it

Ugh, you pay for taking time off. WTF? I walked into a mess this morning. I realize I'm a control freak when it comes to my job-I want things done my way. So, imagine my frustration when I come in this morning and find that half of my cases are jacked up....and I'm locked out of my freakin voicemail (my voicemail is ESSENTIAL to do my job). Imagine my sheer joy when I got to call our Helpdesk first thing (AKA "Helpless desk") to get said voicemail fixed. By 9:20am (I came in at 9, mind you) I was ready to burst into tears and/or kill someone. I still haven't ruled out either. My director just came by and asked me if I was glad to be back...my response? "Do you want me to lie to you and say yes?". He said he DID want to be lied to so, I said yes. He then tried to shower me (and my colleague Julie, together we are the Wisconsin girls) with compliments about how well we're doing with this new market, blah, blah, blah. Yea, we may be kicking ass (I mean, DUH), but it doesn't make it suck any less. Caseloads are sky high EVERY day. No one leaves after their 8.5 hrs, everyone is working late EVERY night. Not cool. We apparently hired someone new that starts the first week in May. I'd be excited, but I'm a little concerned. She's old. And no offense to old people, but they aren't always hip to technology and you have to be tech savvy and have the ability to work FAST at my job....so I'm really hoping she can keep up. Full training will take a couple of months, so I expect work to continue sucking clear through June.

It's amazing that when I'm not here, I'm my usual happy self. But once I step through the doors of my work building, I become irritable, anxious, cranky and near tears. Hmmmm.......


Jen Estes said...

You DO pay for taking time off. As nice as vacations are, I'm always so frazzled the week before and after that I'm never sure if it's worth it.

Hang in there! :)

KD said...

Thanks Jen.

I have more time off scheduled in May (to attend a couple Cubbie games at Wrigley-HOLLA) and I'm a bit concerned about how things will be when I return....Ugh, you're darned if you do, darned if you don't.

Blue said...

Voice mail issues again? Didn't you have to call Pakistan or somewhere like that last time to get it fixed?....lol
Things will get better, don't let it get you down, no worries friend.

luvrob said...

I think the person hired for your team will actually kick ass once she is hired. If it's who I'm thinking-she's awesome.

KD said...

I sure hope you're right Rob. You know my tolerance for the stupid and incompetent is, well, nil.

luvrob said...

well, it has to be better than having no person at all, right? Weird things happening at work all over the place . . .I'm skeerd.

KD said...

I'm skeerd too Rob. Hold me.