Monday, April 05, 2010

Dear Carlos

Dear Carlos Zambrano,

I'm confused about something and I was wondering if you could help me out. Wasn't it you who promised Captain Lou that you were a "changed man", that you finally had it together and that this would be the year you'd redeem yourself? That was you that said that, correct? So pardon my confusion but it seems to me that you are same fat, crazy, overrated pitcher you've always been. Am I wrong?

Any assistance you could provide in helping me understand would be greatly appreciated.


KD, AKA StLCubsfan


Jen Estes said...

P.S. If we're changing as Opening Day starter DOESN'T WORK. Five out of six times = FAIL.

P.P.S. If I put an orange shirt on Jeff Sharkimija, will you "mistake" him for the Gatorade jug?

J.J. said...

Dear KD
Yo soy un loco

KD said...

hee hee!

Dear Carlos,

Tu es muy estupido y muy gordo


J.J. said...

No me importa porque yo en efectivo cheques de grandes.

JJ says - this is fun!

KD said...


Dear Carlos

KD no longero understando whato tu es sayingo.


J.J. said...

I say I don't care because I casho grande checks! :-)


KD said...

Venezuelan bastard.


Blue said...

LMAO!!!! This is just too funny.

KD said...

In case it wasn't obvious, I made C's in high school Spanish.

KD said...

don't be judgin my Spanish Blue! LOL! ;)

Blue said...

KD, you should have seen me overseas trying to "habla" the local You did good though, I'll give you an A.