Friday, April 30, 2010

Walkin' on sunshine baby...OWWWWW!

Do y'all have a "go to" song? You know, a song that gets you pumped, gets you out of a bad mood, gets you ready for the day? Mine is "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. You can't NOT be in a good mood after you hear that song. I dare you to try. It's impossible. So, even on this gloomy, rainy, BUSY day, I'm smiling. Not even the Cubs embarrassing 13-5 loss yesterday can bring me down. Sure, on Facebook I compared loving the Cubs to an abusive relationship (look at the similarities-they promise things will get better and they'll never hurt you again-yet they do; you swear you're gonna leave for good this time-and you never do, you keep coming back for more....), but that was yesterday. Ok, so our hero Theodore Roosevelt Lilly completely imploded yesterday (in his defense, the wind was blowing out at Wrigley yesterday, meaning HIS team should have also scored 13-ish runs....but they didn't). I'm sure Ted had his reasons. Like, he didn't want the D-bags to feel bad about themselves so he took one for the team and "let" them win. Classic Ted. Today they have Belleville's own, Randy Wells on the mound. Nothing bad can happen with Wellsie pitching.......right? RIGHT????

The weekend is upon us. Who doesn't look forward to that? And, good news, although work is gonna continue to suck for awhile, there is a faint light at the end of the tunnel-my team has two newbies starting on Monday. Once they're up and running (it'll take a couple months), our caseloads (and our sanity) should improve. Maybe I won't have to go on that homicidal rampage after all. Silver lining.

I don't have big plans for the weekend....and I'm ok with that. Anymore I need my weekends solely to recharge and get back my bearings before I try to tackle it all again on Monday. I have a friend from out of town staying with me tomorrow night, I may attend a Zumba class tomorrow afternoon. Ever heard of Zumba? It's a cross between aerobics and dancing. Have you ever seen KD dance? Let's just say, this could be entertaining. VERY entertaining. My first class is free, so I thought, what the hell. I'll try anything once.........oh, er, um, wait......

P.S. I also discovered this morning that I apparently know all the words to "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Who knew?


Jen Estes said...

Happy Friday KD! If I have a go-to song, it's probably "Dancing in the Moonlight" by King Harvest. (Which I guess is literally opposite of Walking on Sunshine, which I also love.)

Now onto this Zumba. JJ does it, you're gonna do it... I'm intrigued. I've done a few dance/aerobic classes and it hasn't been pretty. Ugly, in fact. I've still got the bruises. Have fun - I look forward to the recap!!!

KD said...

Zumba shall be interesting, Jen. I am not so much coordinated (as evidenced by my many posts of the various ways I've injured in point, last weekend, I was carrying two bags of trash, walking across my living room....tripped on the vaccuum cord and went flying, trash and all. Knees are still black and blue).
I didn't know JJ did Zumba too. I shall provide a full report.

KD said...

P.S. Jen, I now have "Dancing In The Moonlight" in my head.

Jen Estes said...

OOOuch! Interesting indeed, heehehee.

I think JJ does Zumba. Maybe I just made it up.

Blue said...

Hey KD, I like the song "Walking on Sunshine" as well as "Dancing in the Moonolight" which by the way has a kick ass beginning, kind of sounds like the theme to the old tv show Taxi.
But the song that gets me fired up is REO Speedwagons "Roll with the Changes". Give it a listen if you don't remember it.
Believe it or not, like Jen, I tohave done aerobics, I had a blast, yes it's hard at first and I was uncoordinated kind of like a newborn deer trying to, but it was fun and a great workout.
Cubs 8-2 win....I'm calling it.

KD said...

Blue you will be my hero if you're right about the Cubs score (actually, you're kinda my hero anyway-serving our country and surviving the big C. you rock, my friend!).
i like the analogy of the newborn deer-that is SO me! lol!!! i have a bruise on my leg right now, have NO idea where it came from. i'm a hot mess. and a hazard to myself. ;)

rp said...

Doesn't everyone know all the words to Hotel California? I thought it was part of being an adult.

KD said...

Ummmm....what do you know about being an adult, RP???


rp said...

That's the one part of being an adult that I've got covered