Friday, April 23, 2010


So, the power went out at work today for an hour. Something about the Transformers or something like that. Power out in the entire office park. Good times. We sat here in the dark and I literally propped my feet up on my desk, all the while sipping my Diet Dr. Pepper and plotting my escape. Well, the damn power came back on, but not without complications. Yes, our computers and phones (some of them) are up and running....but our database is not. Um, we can't do our jobs without it, so we're essentially authorizing EVERYTHING (Merry Effin Christmas in April, managed care land!) and putting everything in a Word document....that we'll have to move to the database on Monday when it's back up. Good times. My job is awesome.


Jen Estes said...

The last company I worked at (a small 30-person firm) was ran by this craaaazy fun CEO who had a policy that if the power was out for more than an hour, we could go home early. We also had half-day Fridays, monthly meetings at Hooters, and a jeans-only dress code. Sometimes I really miss working there.

KD said...

I was pushing for Half-Day Friday today and/or Margarita Friday...sadly, both of my ideas were shot down by our director. Bah humbug. He also refused to go buy us ice cream today. the director is the guy that looks exactly like Aaron Miles.That explains things.

Jen Estes said...

What a fuddy dud. On a related note, I had completely forgotten that Aaron Miles even existed until now. But I guess you get a daily reminder, huh?

KD said...

Well, the system is back up now. So, now I have 3 hours to do 8 hours worth of work. Awesome.

Blue said...

The power going out at work, is like being in highschool and the power goes out, cancel all classes and let us go home. I miss high school......NOT!....well maybe parts of