Thursday, April 08, 2010

I shoulda been an doctor

Yep, just give me my honorary MD now. My self-diagnosis is correct. I do, in fact, have shin splints. Painful bastards. I went to my doc today because in addition to being in pain while running, my left leg has begun to hurt just walking. Which sucks because, well, I kinda need to be able to walk. So, not much I can do about them other than what I'm already doing which is to take some time off from the running (doc said two weeks, it's been a week and I'm about to go insane) and taking copious amounts of ibuprofen (which doubles as a headache reliever as well...damn allergies). I'm off work until Tuesday and was hoping to use some of my free time taking advantage of this lovely STL weather and go hit the pavement. 'Tis not to be. Although I may try walking a couple of miles....tomorrow. I HATE just sitting and doing nothing. Doc said I may want to try the elliptical if being on the treadmill continues to hurt. I just looked at him and said "but I don't like the elliptical". I think my doc is entertained by me. I suggested perhaps I was just falling apart because of old age, but he assured me shin splints have nothing to do with that (notice he never said that I WASN'T old, however), that they have everything to do with over-use. I knew that incline of 13% would come back to haunt me. Ugh.


Jen Estes said...

AGH! I've been a victim of shin splints since high school track - they are the worst! That (and my creaky knees) is why I had to switch from the treadmill to the elliptical. I don't really like ellipticals either... but I don't get shin splints or sore knees.

KD said...

I sorta fear the elliptical. You see, I'm not very coordinated. Once I get going on the elliptical, it's almost like my hand-eye-brain coordination shuts down and I lose all control of my limbs and nearly fall off the stupid thing. True story. It's actually rather entertaining.....for others.

J.J. said...

I too have had shin splints since running track and cross country in high school, which led me to the vow that I would never run again unless I was being chased. Of course silly me wanted to enter a triathlon, so I started running again, and promptly got shin splints again. Ugh!