Thursday, April 22, 2010

We miss you AKB.

It's been a rough last few days. I've been MIA from this blog while I try to wrap my mind around things that have happened.

Last Thursday, April 15, my brother-in-law's beautiful 26 year old sister Alyssa, died in her sleep. Nothing in life can ever prepare you to understand why a seemingly healthy 26 year old passes away. Even now, one week later, I still have a hard time believing it happened. Her death hit me hard, so I can only imagine how her family is feeling. My heart breaks every time I think about the looks on their faces that day. I find myself torn between constantly asking "why?" and being comforted in the fact that I know, without a doubt, that she is in a much happier place now. The bond she and I had was the fact that we got to be co-aunts to the most amazing little girl in the world. It saddens me greatly that I now have to do that job alone. I know she is now little Kendall's guardian angel, so I can keep an eye on her from here, she can keep an eye on her from up there. That should cover all our bases.

Miss Alyssa, I truly, truly miss you. I'll do my part to make sure your family makes it through this ok. You have my word on that.

Folks, as cliched as it sounds, please tell your loved ones how much you love them. You never know when it may be your last chance to do so.


Anonymous said...

Ker Ker, This was so sad and tragic. I hope the Baumgarts are coping as best they can. Life is indeed too short. I love you my beautiful neice, and all our family as well. Hang in there baby girl. Love, Aunt La la

J.J. said...

Oh KD, how sad for you and Alyssa's family. My heart goes out to you.

KD said...

Thanks JJ.