Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here's your parting gift, Aunt Kerri

I spent a lovely evening with my sister and baby niece last night, just us girls hangin' out. We had fun, Kendall was, of course, a wild woman (we wouldn't have her any other way). I was amazed at how well she's starting to talk! Not just baby babble, some of her words are clear as day-she says "hi" and "bye" and "mom" and "dad" and "Cla" which is Kendall-ese for Chloe, their dog (and my first niece). SO darn cute.

The night was a bit rough and there wasn't much sleep...oh, the baby slept fine, not a peep out of her. It was my sister and I that didn't sleep much, thanks to a very feisty (but cute) dog named Mr. McFlurry (yes, that really is his name). Seems he thought barking around midnight would be a good idea.....

This morning I got to experience Kendall and my sister's morning routine. I helped feed little miss her breakfast (after she downed a bottle-kid needs her food, ok?), she totally wasn't down with the yogurt, so we gave her some chocolate Cheerios (ever had 'em? They're really good) and let her go to town. As I left for work, Kendall wanted me to hold her which, of course, I did. As I got into my car she was blowing me kisses (um, how cute is that????). All during my drive to work and while sitting at my desk this morning, I kept smelling Cheerios and milk. Figuring it was because I was holding the kiddo right before I left, I thought nothing of it.

Well, just a bit ago, I went to the ladies room (already too many liquids this morning....) and as I was washing my hands, I noticed something on my shoulder. Yep, you guessed it, a chocolate Cheerio was now encrusted onto my shirt. Thanks Kendall. It made me giggle, is still making me giggle. And I still smell like Cheerios......



Blue said...

Hey maybe she wanted to leave you a snack for

KD said...

perhaps...but it was like concrete on my shirt...she was holding her sippy cup upside down to make the water come out (b/c that's a fun game) and so the combo of water and Cheerios apparently forms a concrete-like substance.

I STILL smell like Cheerios, for the record.

Blue said...

Does it make you wonder if someone will get close to you and think "Hmmm, why does KD smell like cheerios"?

KD said...

funny you should ask, but I was in my friend Amy's cubicle a little bit ago and she said "ew, you DO smell like cheerios". I then returned to my desk.


KD said...

that should be "because" not "but". ;)

Blue said...

Hey guys dig girls that smell like

KD said...

Well, my friend Amy is a lesbian, and she didn't seem to dig it. Maybe I'll ask my co-worker Jeff if he thinks my new scent is hot.....