Thursday, April 15, 2010

Geez, I can't even binge drink right

So much for my plan to develop a drinking problem as a way to deal with my overwhelming work stress. Ugh. Gonna have to come up with a new coping skill.

So, as you've undoubtedly heard me bitch about this, work continues to be a little slice of hell. Heavy caseloads, crazy people, and stress, stress, stress. I worked late again last night for like the millionth day in a row.....and I'm sick of it.

So, last night I decided I was going to do something I don't think I've ever done before. I went home and made myself a cocktail. Good way to deal with stress, right? I thought so. I knew I had a bottle of cherry vodka (Three Olives-good stuff) but was unsure what to mix it with (because drinking it straight would have been a bit much). I had some Diet Dr Pepper, which is very good mixed with cherry vodka, but I didn't want to drink caffeine that late in the day. So, I went to my only other option available to me besides milk (OMG, ewww). Yes, I mixed my cherry vodka with some blueberry/pomegranate juice. An interesting mix to say the least. It wasn't half bad but I am sad to report I only made it through half a glass because it gave me heartburn. Yes, I am that damn old. So, now my plans to become a raging drunk have fallen by the wayside. What shall I do next? Any other unhealthy coping skills I could try? The positive coping skills I use are clearly not working (running, spending time with family/friends, getting 8 hours of sleep, being a Cubs fan).

Suggestions are welcome.


Jen Estes said...

Okay, here's my tip. Try meditation. I know you're conjuring up new-agey visions of "ohmmm...ohmmm" and sitting all criss-cross-applesauce on a mountaintop, but it doesn't have to be and it can actually be a great tool for relaxation. If you have headphones, you can do it at your desk for a little mental vacation. Here's a free website (you need RealPlayer):

J.J. said...

Wait, you chose being a Cubs fan as a way to deal with stress? I think I see your problem.....

I LOVE my word veri ---"tededg". We sure do miss the Cubs tededg.