Thursday, February 04, 2010

Stupid weather!

I hate, hate, hate winter!

Ok, so I've been totally bummed about my upcoming birthday. Getting old is no fun. Especially when you're a single, nearly 34 year old woman. It's depressing. So, to help ease the bummed out-ness, I was planning on going home to my parents this weekend to let my mommy take care of me. And bake me cupcakes. Now, it looks like that's not gonna happen because of the stupid weather. Yes, seems Great Winter Storm #2 is about to hit Missouri, in fact, it is already snowing at my parents. Fan-effin-tastic. Sooooooooo....more than likely I will be spending my birthday weekend at home, alone, eating my feelings away........I'm totally having some sort of PTSD flashback from my childhood when my birthday parties would always be cancelled because of the weather. Stupid February birthday! Stupid weather! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Ok, I'm done now.


ern said...

Kerr, I think it'll be able to make it home. On the Weather Channel radar map, it looks like there is barely any snow coming our way. Most of it looks like it's hitting NE and IA. So I think you'll be ok. This is what I believe and hope it is true so you can make it home. There is nothing like being taken care of by your mom. I wish my mom was closer.

KD said...

Ern, I think the concern is that I may get stuck in Salem on Sunday. Be a real shame if I couldn't come to work on Mon...... ;)

ern said...

Whatever, people pull that stuff all the time at work. I say you can do it once since you are such a reliable employee.

Blue said...

Hey KD, sorry to hear about the weather. Hopefully it won't be too bad so you can go and comeback safely.

KD said...

Blue, I'm moving to sunny California. :)

Jen Estes said...

Happy early Birthday! (Not sure of the exact I want to cover all my bases.)

My mom's birthday is tomorrow. I was hoping to travel across the state on Saturday to see her but I too am afraid of the storm a'comin'.

KD said...

Happy Birthday Jen's mom!!!! Aquarius women ROCK! :)

Mine is next Tue, the 9th. Ugh. Approaching mid-30's is not exactly what I'd call fun. At least I don't have wrinkles. Yet.