Tuesday, February 23, 2010

...and on tonight's episode of "Intervention".....

Woe is me. I have a Nyquil hangover today. Yikes. I'm not even sure I'm typing in English right now. The good news is I didn't cough all night and slept like 9 hours without waking up once. The bad news is, when I did wake up today, it was all I could do to make myself get out of bed and go to work. I essentially look like a homeless person today....for a couple of reasons. One, because I feel like crap (I'm convinced my head is the size of a beach ball today...) and two, because I still don't have hot water (haven't heard that story? Just wait....) and I refuse to take another cold shower. No thank you. The new hot water heater is arriving today, thank God. The head cold I have can leave today, that'd be great. Thanks.

Yes, the one weekend I actually have someone staying at my apartment is the one weekend that 1. the heat went out (quickly fixed by some heater-fixer-dude) and then 2. the hot water heater shot craps. My poor sis (wait? you didn't know my sis was in town? well....she was!) arrived just in time to get to take a cold shower. Sorry sis. So...why was my sis in town and I told no one? Well, let's just say she and her hubby wanna move back home (and we all want them back home) and she was in town for the night because she had a couple of job interviews here yesterday (we are cautiously optimistic!). FINGERS CROSSED!

As I'm sitting here, I realize I probably shouldn't be at work today, but, well, I'm here now. After tomorrow, I don't have to come back until next Tuesday (HOLLA!) so, I'm trying to hang in there. Me thinks that I will not be drinking Nyquil tonight, even if that means coughing all night. This hangover sucks.

I'm gonna go take a nap now.


Jen Estes said...

Ugh, sorry you're sick KD. I know when I'm sick, nothing feels better than an ice cold shower in February. :(

KD said...

I'm out of my Nyquil fog...now that it's nearly 2pm. Man, that Nyquil is HARDCORE!

Blue said...

Hi KD, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, I hope you get better soon.