Friday, February 12, 2010


That's what time I went to bed last night. Awesome, huh? Well, it was because I feel as if my body may be trying to fight off some virus. I'm exhausted, achy and just feeling blah. Yesterday, I took an Advil Cold and Sinus. Let me tell you people something, mixing that with copious amounts of caffeine may not be the greatest idea. I felt really......weird. Well, weirder than normal. Almost as if I was here but not really here, know what I mean? And it induced an almost manic-like state where I felt like crap, but was so revved up, I couldn't sit still. Then I crashed. Hence my 8:30pm bedtime.

Today I woke up to find my eye ailment was back....with a vengeance. As soon as I opened my eyes, my left eye started stinging like there was shampoo in it and watering incessantly. Quite annoying.

I did, however, get to have my yearly performance appraisal at work today. Woot woot! As usual, I was told I was awesome and a fabulous employee. I mean, DUH. For reals, my boss had no complaints and she likes my "feistiness" (read: bitchiness). ;) There wasn't much in the way of raises this year, but at least we got raises, unlike last year, and unlike much of the country. So, I'll consider myself lucky. I DID get a pretty sweet bonus, however, so I think I will finally get those $100 running shoes I've been wanting/needing!

It is Mardi Gras weekend and I am determined to not feel like crap so I can participate in tomorrow's festivities. One of my friends is having a party at her house (to shield us from having to stand outside in the cold in Soulard) that is part Mardi Gras, part celebrating KD's birthday. YAY! And I get to see my precious Mikey.....and my girl Val......LOVES THEM! So, getting sick is completely unacceptable at this point in time. I can't allow it.

So, I'm making enemies in Nashville. I mean, hello, I work in managed care, right? Even so, I get along spectacularly well with all of my hospital contacts in Tennessee. In fact, part of my evaluation was how they rated me. I'll have you know I got 41.5 out of 42 possible points from them. They love me. Except for this one guy. We'll call him "Skippy" (we also call him "Sparky). Not his real name, but he acts like a douchebag and Skippy seems to be a fitting name for a douchebag. Skippy clearly doesn't understand how this works. Skippy wants to argue with me (his first mistake) and whine about the decisions I relay to him (which, hello, I don't have that much power...if something is being denied, it came from a medical doctor, not me) and wants me to fax him our Level of Care Guidelines (guidelines we follow to help decide criteria for mental health services). After his FOURTH call to me yesterday, I called Skippy back, luckily got his voicemail, and very politely, yet firmly explained to him that 1. I will not argue with him about this and that my decisions are not negotiable, 2. he clearly demonstrated to me last week that he knows he can locate our LOC Guidelines online,therefore, there is no need for me to fax them to him and I would appreciate it if he would stop reciting them to me in my voicemail-I know what they are Skippy, thanks and 3. I get along well with all of his co-workers so I'm not understanding where the disconnect is and 4. could I get his supervisor's name because my supervisor wants to have a chat with him/her? Skippy doesn't know who he's messing with. Poor bastard. Thus far today, I have not heard from Skippy. I think I may have scared him. To that I say......what a douche. :)

Happy Friday y'all! I'm gonna go put some more eye drops in. Can you OD on eye drops?????


Blue said...

Hi, I hope that you are feeling much better and not weirder than normal. So what kind of running shoes are you getting?
I'm sure by now Skippy is regretting messing with you.

KD said...

Skippy has not called me thus far today. I think he's scared. :)

Blue said...

I think that if Skippy is smart he will avoid calling you for

KD said...

I was actually hoping he'd call and ask to speak to my supervisor...she dislikes him as much as I do and is WAY feistier than I am. Skippy would have been crying by the end of that phone call.... ;)

Blue said...

Well the day isn't over yet, so there is still hope
I used to work with a couple of guys we nicknamed Skippy, one was my old sup, very cool. The other was cool, then went awol, well he deserted I guess you can