Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Happy Birthday to me! And my friend Erin! And my co-worker Lori!

It's a trifecta of birthdays today! Three of us here at work are all turning 29 today, it's amazing.... ;)

Ok, for reals, I'm gonna be honest. I turned 34 today. How the F is that even possible? I swear I skipped a few years or something. I honestly have no idea how this happened. The good news is, we decided today that I could believably pass for 28-ish. I'll take it!!!! And, let us not forget about how I got carded a couple of weeks ago.......

The day didn't start well. My eye hurts like hell today, and it took 20 minutes to clean off my car (got a bunch more snow, and it was 13 degrees this morning so it was all frozen solid on my windshield). Then, on my way to work, my windshield washer thingy froze and the salt quickly built up on my windshield, causing me to not really be able to see. I thought about pulling an Ace Ventura, but I didn't. Anyhoo, I made it to work safely. A little sad that our food day has been postponed until tomorrow because of the weather (my cupcake girl was unable to make it to the office today). I'm certain I need a cupcake break anyway.

The birthday card I got from Grandpa made me cry. He's so cute, calling me "Kerri Bird" (his nickname for me) and writing "I Love You"....underlined THREE times, for emphasis. Gramps rocks.

I have to work until 5:30 tonight, which blows, but I am then going to a happy hour and then joining fellow birthday girl Erin for a rockin nite at.......IHOP. Don't judge. You know you want some chocolate chip pancakes......and bacon. Mmmmmmm, bacon.


ern said...


Blue said...

Happy Birthday my friend, I hope that you have a wonderful day. I think that you could pass for 26, so I'm sure you will keep getting carded. Enjoy IHOP tonight, I love pancakes, you can't go wrong with pancakes....lol.
Erin and Lori, Happy Birthday to you as well.

KD said...

26??? You're my new favorite, Blue!!! :)
I wonder if they have funnel cake pancakes....

Blue said...

Hi, I just checked their website, menu, no funnel cake pancakes....lol