My parents church hosted Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. The premise is that you decorate the "trunk" of your cars and give out candy. Supposed to be a safer alternative than letting your little ghosts and goblins walk the streets. Especially the mean streets of Salem, Mo. It was actually a lot of fun-approximately 2,300 people were there. That's a lot of frickin candy to hand out, but it was really fun-the kids were so cute. My brother and I, and his friend Travis helped my mom out. Tim and Travis entertained us all night-who knew they were so funny?
The one thing I will point out (God don't hate me for being judgemental) is that, I swear to you, I have never seen more people with missing teeth in my life, and no, it was not part of any costume. I mean, I realize Dent County isn't the richest of areas, but come on!
Missing teeth and all, it was still a fun night....I'll probably do it again next year. The kids were just too cute-even the little monster that sassed me. He was probably 7 or 8 and was wearing an Incredible Hulk costume. Me, thinking I was being funny (my first mistake) asked him if the muscles built into the costume were real. This kid looked at me like I was the biggest retard and said "it's just a costume, it's not real". I half expected him to say "DUH", but he didn't. The rest of the kids were polite, but I tell ya, if I ever see that little hellion again...........
Hey KD, looks like you had fun. By the way, is that a cemetery across the way in the pic with your and your brother, you and your Mom?
Good eye, Blue! it is indeed a cemetary in the background..good Halloween setting, huh? I thought it was kinda creepy personally..... :)
That is creepy.
The elementary school I attended in the 6th grade had a cemetery behind the playground, so whenever a ball went over, we would all just kind of stand there and stare at it until one of us mustered up enough courage to go get
Ha ha! that's funny! :)
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