Sunday, April 16, 2006

What is it about the Chinese buffet that makes you giggle?

Seriously. Everytime I go to a Chinese buffet, no matter who I go with, we always end up laughing and giggling the whole time we are there. Think its the MSG they put in the food? Or maybe crack? I don't know. Last night, J and I hit the buffet with the girls. Well, as soon as J's 9 year old asked us if the woman next to us was talking about smoking weed, the giggling was ON. I couldn't hardly stop. Then this guy that J knows was sitting a few tables away from us, called J on his cell, and started speaking "Chinese" to him. Dude, good times were had by all. I would blame the Chinese donuts, but I was the only one who ate them.

It reminded me of the days when Red and I would go to the Sunny China on Lindberg (or is it the Happy China?). We would sit for hours downing Diet Coke and Chinese donuts and just laugh and laugh and laugh. SUCH good times. Red-remember talking about the social status of the different school buses in grade school? Judy's bus was the "cool" one, Charlie's bus was the "skanky" one.....ok, so we were easily entertained growing up in Salem...

The moral of the story is, if you are looking for a fun way to spend your evening, go to your local Chinese buffet today.

1 comment:

KD said...

Nice. And I thought for sure it was the monkey meat and brocoli