Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Snowmageddon? More like LAME-ageddon

So, apparently the entire country other than ST LOUIS  CITY AND COUNTY is getting hit with blizzard conditions. Oh, don't worry, it was predicted to come here too......and then it didn't. Most everyone stayed home yesterday in anticipation of the BIGGEST STORM IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. And it never happened. By early evening weather reports were saying St. Louis would get 2-4 inches of snow, when, just hours before we were still hearing 20+ inches. Um....there is a half inch of snow and a couple inches of ice in my yard. I CAN STILL SEE THE GRASS. People working from home today? LAME (unless you live in East Jesus. If you do, you may actually have some snow and for that you will be forgiven). The roads are better today than they were two weeks ago when it snowed 10+ inches. Yes, I'm grateful for the day off yesterday. And yes, I'm grateful that we don't have 20 inches of snow to wade through like the rest of the state. But I'm also irritated. Irritated that the media hyped this up and freaked people the hell out and then.....nothing. I mean, it's one thing to be off by a few inches, but to get NOTHING when they'd predicted a frickin blizzard is just laughable to me. And I will never believe the hype again. I'll believe it when I see it.

Now, a place that really DID get hit with a blizzard is Wisconsin-my territory. And guess what? I just spoke to someone in Milwaukee LIVE. He's at work. And they for real have 20 inches of snow. He was like "um, I'm from Minnesota, this is nothing". Right. For those in Chicago-I know you got slammed, please be safe and don't leave home if you don't have to. For those in the rest of the parts of Missouri-the same thing. Stay home.

So, I'm at work. Not trying to be a hero or anything, I mean, I have no reason to not be at work. It's business as usual. So why are there only like 5 people here? WTH man?

Oh yes, Snowmageddon didn't even happen, yet it's still making me cranky. At least the groundhog didn't see his shadow today. I think that means that spring starts tomorrow. Or something.

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