Monday, January 31, 2011


Take your pick on the name. People are panicking. The worst snowstorm in the history of the universe (as local weather people would have you believe) is about to descend upon us here in the STL metro area. Current conditions from my view from my cubicle indicate cars are already covered under a sheet of ice-swell. Yours truly is still at work because, well, I have assholes who apparently don't care if I get home safely or not and they thus have not called me with the case info I need in order to finish up and get the hell out of here. Snowmageddon is already making me cranky. I anticipate I will not be at work tomorrow. I can handle driving in the snow but throw ice into the mix? Hells to the no. I'm staying home, thank you very much. Charge me as much PTO as you want. Actually, our VP told me today that there is a very real possibility that our office will close tomorrow for the first time EVER. That would be sweet.

Seriously people, be safe out there. An inch of ice followed by a foot of snow ain't nothin to mess around with. F U Mother Nature.


J.J. said...

We are waiting for the worst of Snopocalypse 2011 to hit up here in Wisconsin this afternoon and evening. I am lucky that I have a job where I can work from home, which is exactly what I am doing now. Well, clearing not this minute as I am leaving a comment on your Blog, and NOT working....stay safe everyone!

KD said...

JJ, hope y'all are safe up there in 'sconsin!