Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow is dumb

Happy Almost Weekend everyone!

Whew, what a long week. I mean, they all seem long, but this one in particular has been really long. Maybe it's the foot of snow we have on the ground. Biggest snow storm in the STL area since like 1998, or something like that. Yesterday it took me an hour and a half to get to work...and I was one of the few that actually showed. Literally there were like 10 people in the office...making for one hell of a busy day. Same amount of work with 1/5 of the staff? Awesome. So, needless to say, I'm glad this week is almost over. And that everyone so kindly showed up today. Dear Snow Gods: We've had enough. Send Spring in please. Thanks.

I am very disappointed in my sister. Here she was, sequestered in the Westin downtown all week (for some work thing-she wasn't even allowed to go home!!!!)....the same hotel that the hated Detroit Red Wings were staying at.....she saw them get on the team bus to head over to Scottrade yesterday and didn't heckle any of them, even once! No "Bertuzzi you suck!" or a nice chant of "Osssssgooooood" or a "Mike Modano I've loved you for 20 years!". Nothing. Very disappointed indeed. ;)

I plan to have a vodka drink tonight. I've earned it. And then laying low the rest of the weekend and working on projects. Have a fun and safe weekend, y'all!


rp said...

She couldn't even have thrown in a "Don't get too tired beating us again" or a "The law of averages says that eventually we will probably beat you again some day."???

Weak Red.

KD said...

her brain is a bit foggy right now. ;)

now get outta here, you dirty red wings fan. ;)

rp said...

She could have very easily thrown out a "At least we don't have to deal with all of those heightened expectations based on past Stanley Cups."

KD said...

It's cute that you think you're funny, canuck. ;)

rp said...

It's more than enough to make myself chuckle . . . and usually that is enough.