Friday, January 28, 2011

Tay-Sachs SUCKS.

A couple of years ago, my aunt Mary, Aunt Jan and I had the pleasure of meeting the Rochman family. Their beautiful little girl Elise had the same hateful disease that took my sweet baby cousins Adam and Andy, with that "bond", the Rochmans welcomed us into their home to meet them and sweet Elise. Elise was a beautiful girl-big blue eyes and blonde hair. Although she couldn't speak to us, I was still amazed by her strength and beauty. Her parents Tim and Kerri are amazing as well. They work tirelessly with the Tay-Sachs Foundation to find a cure for this disgusting genetic disease. They hold benefits, they get the word out there on Facebook and their blog. They are two of the most wonderful people I've ever met.

And today their beautiful Elise lost her battle with Tay-Sachs. Death is inevitable for children with this disease, but still, the news of Elise's passing leaves my heart heavy this morning. Six year old's are not supposed to die, no matter the circumstance. Although to Elise's credit, she defied the odds by making it to age 6. Most Tay-Sachs children pass away around ages 4 or 5. Elise was a tough little girl. Her parents are even tougher. I'm so sad I didn't go to their yearly benefit last summer-knowing it may be the last one that Elise would be with us. Now this year's benefit will be in her memory, not her honor. Breaks my heart.

Tay-Sachs is one of the reasons I'm scared to have children. I don't know if I'm a carrier, but my mom is, so chances are I am as well. Elise's passing has me thinking about my sweet cousins Adam and Andy. They'd be grown men now if they were still with us, but I will forever remember them as the beautiful little boys that they were. I hope they've taken sweet Elise under their wing.

Please hug your babies today.

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