Monday, January 10, 2011

My niece is 21 months old!

A happy belated 21 month shout out to my little niece who is now just three months shy of two. Wow. Can you hardly believe it? Time really does fly. She remains the center of all our lives...she's such an amazing kiddo. She got her first haircut on Satuday and it is the cutest little chin-length bob. She loves to show it off! ;)
We're making progress in getting her to say my name (she also won't say my brother's name and is sketchy about "grandma"). Before when you'd ask her to say "Aunt Kerri" or even just "Kerri", she'd look at me and smile and that'd be it. Now, if you ask "can you say Kerri?" she looks at you and says "yea". And that's it.  Haha! She's such a little stinker. I love it! She loves her great-grandpa (my beloved Grandpa that I talk about on here), she was watching him at church yesterday and kept saying "pawpaw bye bye"....that's a sentence people! She's really starting to talk well. She's so darn cute, it's ridiculous.


Blue said...

Getting close to the the big 2!

KD said...

She's getting too big, I don't like it! You should see her big girl haircut-she looks like a kid and not a baby. :(
She is so funny though, I'm endlessly entertained by her. :)