Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wow, people are, um, interesting

Well folks, I've been fired by my hairdresser. You know there's a good story behind this, right? At first I was mad but now I'm just kind of entertained by the fact that it even happened. People are effin nuts, that's all I have to say.

Ok, first the background on my now former hairdresser-I used to work with her mom and one day I mentioned I was looking for a new hairdresser and voila, I started going to her daughter. Now, this girl is very loud, opinionated and bitchy (what? It's true!), but she did a great job with my hair so I ignored any annoying personality traits she may have had. She eventually became my Facebook "friend" and would often comment on my posts and various things. Her comments were often sarcastic and came off as rather bitchy (not just to me but I've had several other people say something to me about it) but I usually let it go. Until what happened this week.

As you all know, I am completely, totally in love with my niece. Does it border on obsessive? Maybe. But how dare anyone judge that or make fun of that.....right? So, on Monday, my niece turned 11 months old and I said something about it as my FB status. Now, most normal, SANE people commented things like "oh my goodness, she's getting so big" or checked that they "like" the status. Not my former hairdresser. Oh no. She put something to the effect of "geez, get over it already. Dang". Now, I don't know about you, but I find this completely rude and inappropriate. So, me being newly assertive apparently, sent her a private message on Facebook. I was very nice but I did say that I didn't appreciate her comment, that I found it rude and unnecessary and that she can make fun of anything else I have going on but NOT about my relationship with my niece or anything related to it. That seems fair, right? Well.....apparently not because she sent me a response that completely turned it around on me. Um....what? She said that she couldn't believe I would assume the worst of her and how dare I accuse her of doing something malicious, blah, blah, blah. Then, THEN, she sent me a second message saying she'd thought about it some more and that I was going to need to find someone else to do my hair because she didn't want my hate and negativity around her or her salon. Ummmm.......what just happened? I sought consultation with friends all day long yesterday to determine if I'd done something wrong to deserve that craziness. All agreed she's in the wrong here and completely insane. I mean, seriously???? You're gonna try to project your rudeness onto ME? I'm sure there's a diagnosable mental health disorder there somewhere. Good times!

And you know what's funny about this? In all the time I've known her I have never once mentioned the fact that she totally looks like a drag queen. Ooops....I guess I just mentioned it, huh?


Jen Estes said...

OMG, KD, this chick is nuts. Who says that?!? If she doesn't like that you love your niece so much ('cause that's really terrible, let me tell ya), then why not just ignore it? Who takes the time to write something like that? Crazies, that's who.

I hope you don't wake up tomorrow to find your car keyed or hairballs in the gas tank.

Drag queen, LOL!

KD said...

I mean, for reals!!!! WTF??? That was just pure crazy...and mean...and unnecessary. But apparently I'm a bad person for calling her out on, ok. :)

Jen Estes said...

Yes, exactly! It's the unnecessary that gets me. Crazy...okay, who isn't? Mean...sure, why not? But unnecessary? Who has the time?

I think you handled it perfectly and with a lot more tact than most.

KD said...

thanks Jen. I've had a lot of experience w/crazy, I mean, after all, I am a mental health professional. But it's a whole nother dynamic when it happens in your personal life.


Blue said...

I remember seeing her/that comment on your page. She sounds whacked, you don't want someone like that working on your hair, it's better to find someone else. Maybe she'll call your hotline for help.....just sayin'. : )

KD said...

I was wondering if you'd seen it Blue. Several people at work did too and they were as perplexed by it as I was. I deleted it, by the way.

And we won't get into her already documented mental health issues...let's just say her calling the hotline isn't a far stretch.....

Jen Estes said...

And yet, she still manages to cut great hair. It's like Tom Cruise. Great actor, lovely smile, makes beautiful babies... and still, five feet and eight inches of batshit crazy.

KD said...

Exactly Jen. Exactly.

luvrob said...

you might want to have that crazy magnet removed from your brain. just saying. I saw that comment too. I was wondering what was up.

KD said...

for reals, Rob! WTF? I'm beginning to question my own self b/c I certainly seem to attract the crazy....