Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dancing With The "Stars"

So, the Dancing With The Stars season premiere was last night and it did not disappoint. I think this may be the best season yet! Watching that hot mess Pamela Anderson is worth dedicating your Monday night to this show in and of itself. Yowza. The sad news is, super hottie Aiden Turner, best known as, well, Aidan, on All My Children, was terrible and will most likely be the first to go. Granted, Buzz Aldrin was way worse than him, but Buzz is gonna get sympathy votes because he's 80 and walked on the moon and stuff. And he's cute as a button. But that wife of his? Kinda looks like catlady-WAY too much plastic surgery.
Exhibit A

That Pussycat Doll chick was predictably good, as was Evan Lysacek-that's Gold Medal Winning Evan Lysacek to you, thank you very much. Take THAT Pleshenko, you Russian bastard. Anyhoo....I love love love Evan, but honey, let's stop pretending you're straight and dating Nastia Lukin, ok? Ain't no way in hell that boy is straight. Just sayin. Kate Gosselin-most I've spoken to hate her and want her off the show ASAP-wasn't all that good. I feel bad for her partner, Tony Dovolani because I really like him, but I think she'll be voted off soon. Chad Ochocinco was surprisingly good, Shannen Doherty wasn't too bad, Erin Andrews was pretty good-I'd vote for her to go to the finals solely because her partner is Maksim Chmerkovskiy and he is super hot. He may be a bit of an a-hole, but I don't care. He's one hot Russian. Yum.
Exhibit B
I'm having a hard time remembering who else is on the show this season because I can still see that picture of Maks.....ok, um, where was I? Oh yea....Pamela Anderson. WTF? I'm fairly certain she was either drunk or high or possibly both...but I must admit, she was pretty entertaining. Her cha cha cha wasn't the greatest, but she certainly wasn't the worst. She's a trainwreck and I'm hoping will be on for awhile because that is some good television right there! Neecy Nash, best known for appearing on Reno 911 (hilarious show), wasn't great, but she was funny as hell, hope she stays for a bit. I'm sure there were other people on the show but for the life of me, I cannot remember any of them right now. Besides....I'm now focused on tonight's American Idol. Priorities people. Priorities.


Blue said...

Hey you, well I watched DWTS last night, it was good. Pam was out of it....lol. It looked like she wanted to hump her pro right then and there, I think she was toasted.
That Aidan guy, yeah, not good at all, I feel bad for Edyta, she always gets either an old guy or one without skills.
Erin Andrews surprised me as did 8 5...lol. I think it'll comedown to the Pussycat Dolls girl and the gold medalist.

KD said...

Agreed Blue. Yea, they really need to give Edyta someone good-she's awesome (and I'd kill a man to have her body. Just sayin.). I must say, I do not miss Karina this season. She was kinda annoying. That new pro guy though w/Pam was kinda weird. And not hot like Maks. :)

J.J. said...

I had to DVR "dancing", so it's nice to know that it is worth watching - even if it's just to see the mess that is Pamela Anderson. Two hours? Seriously, I hate the first few weeks of Dancing when it's like 4 hours a week! I've got other shows to watch people!

J.J. said...

By the way, my word veri was "orasax", I am not kidding you. You would think I was posting something about Teddy on Cubblogging to get that one.

KD said...

the show that's NOT worth DVR'ing is American Idol, I can tell you that much. Ugh, it sucks this season!
But Dancing, well, it's worth it just to watch Maks w/his shirt unbuttoned....

KD said...
