Thursday, June 23, 2011

K update

I haven't talked about my precious niece on here in awhile. But I have to document....she actually said "Aunt Kerri" this past weekend!!!!! Ahhhhh! I LOVED IT! She only said it the one time (usually it's "Hewwi" or "Terri"), but I heard it crystal clear. She's getting so big and talking so well....and so much. Yes, our girl is a bit of a chatterbox. No idea where she gets that.......

She went fishing for the first time this weekend. SO freakin cute, watching her reel it in...with her Dora the Explorer fishing pole. Ha! She also got to help decorate Grandma Bal's birthday cake (let's just say, mom no longer has sprinkles left in the house because the entire bottle is now on her cake).

She's such a funny kid. Wild...but funny. She is so much fun, we just can't get enough of her. Which makes the anticipation of 2.0's birth just that much more exciting! Can't wait to have two little rugrats running around. My sis is now 31.5 weeks along...getting there....slowly but surely. She'll tell you she's ready to give birth today, however. Right, sis? ;) Our lil guy is apparently quite active in mommy's tummy. Yep, definitely a wild little boy!

Being an auntie is the greatest. It helps that my sis and brother-in-law make the greatest kids EVER.

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