Monday, June 13, 2011


My sis is officially 30 weeks pregnant today! My how time has flown. And since little guy's c-section is already scheduled, that means that at the most, he will be here in only NINE weeks! Wow, I'm getting so, so excited to meet him. If he's half as fun as his big sister, we're in for a wild ride! Last night Kendall and I sang out of "microphones" (hers was an attachment from a vaccuum-I think, and mine was my keys)-we belted out a mean version of "Old MacDonald". I expect someone to sign us to a recording contract soon. She also informed me before I left last night that I was going bye bye, going to take a bath, put on my jammies and then go nite nite. Oh, and that the gorilla at the zoo was scary, the penguins were in the water and that she rode on a green train with her mommy and daddy. I LOVE being able to have a conversation with her. I'm still not 100% fluent in toddler-ese, but I can follow her pretty well. She gets so serious when she's talking to you-which makes all of us crack up.

I got to see my nephew's room yesterday. They're making progress on it, it's going to be adorable when it's done-a baby elephant theme-SO cute! Now we just need him in it. I hope these 9 weeks fly by!  My sis said K has been putting her baby doll in the crib-um, how cute is that? I hope she's still excited about her baby brother when he gets here (I tried explaining to her that being a big sister is an important job-I would know-but she just wanted to keep singing and telling me about the zoo). The age difference is just about the same as the age difference between me and my sis, and our mom said that I did just fine with her when she was born. Here's hoping it happens that way this time. :)

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