Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Back the F off, Mother Nature!

Look, Mother Nature, I get it. You're pissed. Why, I don't know, but I get it.

Mega storms raged through much of the midwest last night. It was pretty scary stuff (I mean, we were the main headline on the Weather Channel and everything!). Parts of the metro area got (literally) golf ball sized hail. There were several reports of tornadoes which freaked me the hell out-there are two things I'm most scared of in the world: clowns and tornadoes.

It took awhile for the storm to hit St. Louis City, but when it did, it did with a vengeance. Yikes. It for real sounded like the world was ending-I don't know how else to describe it. The hail and wind was so loud, I'm not sure I've ever experienced that before. And then the tornado sirens started. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, the tornado sirens in St. Louis City talk. Yes, a deep voiced man can be heard throughout the city saying "THIS IS A TORNADO WARNING. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY". Creepy. And effective. My happy ass was down in the basement. I started to freak out when I heard of a possible tornado in Florissant near Washington and St., that is right by my grandpa's house. I also freaked out when I heard of a tornado about 25 miles from hometown and the place where my parents and brother still live (all are safe and sound, by the way). It was eerily quiet once the storm finally went away, but what a night.

The biggest travesty of all, however, is the fact that the weather coverage kept interrupting the new episode of Glee. I was none too happy about that. Seriously. Oh and both the Cubs and Cards games got cancelled and are rescheduled for today. Yes, that's right, double headers today for all! Yippee!

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