As a Cubs fan, you face many highs and lows (mostly lows). It's part of the deal. We know this. But just when you think the Cubs can't sink any lower....they do. It's amazing really-their ability to redefine "suck". Takes talent.
Right now, I've never been more embarrassed to be a Cubs fan. I've taken a lot of ridicule in the 20+ years I've followed them, but I think, now, I've finally had enough.....of this team. They're 10 games under .500 at the end of June and I really have not witnessed anything that would make me think they give a shit, or are trying. They're lackluster and well, lazy. The only players exempt from my rant are rookie Tyler Colvin (and no, not just because he's cute), Marlon Byrd (one of the few that actually shows hustle....and is batting over .200), Carlos Silva (who's resurgence is nothing short of amazing. Oh, and he should be 11-0, not 8-2, just sayin) and I suppose closer Carlos Marmol (we'll ignore the last two games....typically Marm is lights out. Unfortunately, he doesn't get many chances to be in a save situation because, well, the Cubs are never winning in the 9th).
I'm embarrassed by the lackluster play....and I'm embarrassed about the whole Carlos Zambrano fiasco. Ok, so NOW he needs psychological help? You people didn't know this say, FIVE YEARS AGO? If they're trying to make him trade bait, this isn't helping. Teams don't want to take on crazy, Mr. Hendry. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I understand Z's latest tirade. Sure, he's bat shit nuts, but he's also frustrated with this shitty team, and who can blame him? So am I.
There are rumors that Ted Lilly is on the trade block. Now, I loves myself some Ted Lilly (he's pitched far better than his record shows....) but is it fair to him to hope he stays on this shittastic team just because he's one of my favorite players? No...he deserves to be on a team that gives a shit. I hope he finds a good home.
As for the rest of the team, they can all go. All of them. And that includes Lou Piniella and that sorry excuse for a GM, Jim Hendry.
Yes, I realize I'm having a Zambrano-like outburst right now and that I've used several forms of the word "shit". But I am done. Done with this stupid team. Done wasting my time watching games and hoping, hoping this is the game that turns it around. They're not turning anything around this year. Or even next year. The part I hate most of all is that I love baseball. Love it. And the Cubs are taking the love of the game away from me. For that, I hate them.
Go Phillies? Pirates? Nats?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
The latest on El Toro Loco from
After consulting with Major League Baseball, the players union and the agent for pitcher Carlos Zambrano, the Chicago Cubs announced on Monday a collective agreement between all parties that will allow Zambrano to be removed from the suspended list and placed on the restricted list on Tuesday.
The Cubs don't anticipate Zambrano being activated until after the All-Star break at the earliest.
Cubs general manager Jim Hendry said Monday that Zambrano and his agent have not asked for the right-hander to be traded or released by the team.
Zambrano has been suspended by the team since Friday, when he threw a tirade in the dugout that led to a verbal confrontation with teammate Derrek Lee.
Beginning Tuesday, Zambrano will be paid and has agreed to go through a treatment program that will have him away from the team until at least July 15 -- when the Cubs host the Phillies after the All-Star break.
The groups collectively agreed to find independent doctors to evaluate Zambrano and provide treatment following the evaluation. During this evaluation period, and during any type of therapy, Zambrano will not have any contact with his Cubs teammates.
Zambrano had contact with Hendry on Monday and was remorseful about his dugout tirade at U.S. Cellular Field.
Manager Lou Piniella has stated that Zambrano will go into the bullpen when he returns to the 25-man roster. Once Zambrano is moved to the restricted list, Jeff Stevens will be called up to fill his roster spot.
Zambrano surrendered four runs to the Chicago White Sox in the top of the first, then began screaming in the dugout, knocking over a Gatorade cooler before getting in the face of Lee. Piniella then sent Zambrano home, and Hendry suspended him indefinitely.
The Cubs don't anticipate Zambrano being activated until after the All-Star break at the earliest.
Cubs general manager Jim Hendry said Monday that Zambrano and his agent have not asked for the right-hander to be traded or released by the team.
Zambrano has been suspended by the team since Friday, when he threw a tirade in the dugout that led to a verbal confrontation with teammate Derrek Lee.
Beginning Tuesday, Zambrano will be paid and has agreed to go through a treatment program that will have him away from the team until at least July 15 -- when the Cubs host the Phillies after the All-Star break.
The groups collectively agreed to find independent doctors to evaluate Zambrano and provide treatment following the evaluation. During this evaluation period, and during any type of therapy, Zambrano will not have any contact with his Cubs teammates.
Zambrano had contact with Hendry on Monday and was remorseful about his dugout tirade at U.S. Cellular Field.
Manager Lou Piniella has stated that Zambrano will go into the bullpen when he returns to the 25-man roster. Once Zambrano is moved to the restricted list, Jeff Stevens will be called up to fill his roster spot.
Zambrano surrendered four runs to the Chicago White Sox in the top of the first, then began screaming in the dugout, knocking over a Gatorade cooler before getting in the face of Lee. Piniella then sent Zambrano home, and Hendry suspended him indefinitely.
My take on Carlos Zambrano-gate 2010
I've said it for years, Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano is bat shit crazy. Everyone knows this. Yet he continues to have a job (leave it to the Cubs.....). Yet there are Cubs fans that actually still believe he is the team's ace ( Yet he is always forgiven for his antics (who remembers when he beat the shit out of Michael Barrett-his own catcher???). This time, in my opinion, he's crossed the line for good.
Tirades are nothing new for Carlos (and if you see the footage from Friday's rant, you'll see that most of his teammates ignored it), but directing it at the man who is quite possibly one of the nicest and most respected in baseball is over the line. Who gets pissed at Derek Lee? I mean, seriously? Sure, maybe the rumor that DLee told him to "shut the f**k up" is true, but who would blame him? Big Z has got to go. He's as much of a cancer to the team as Milton Bradley was. Now, I'm not saying it's his fault the Cubs suck so bad, all I'm saying is that his behavior shouldn't be tolerated. If I pulled that shit at my job, I'd be fired on the spot. I'm sure that's true of most places of employment.
Carlos is currently suspended indefinitely from the team. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I did hear that when (if?) he comes back, he'll be in the bullpen. Awesome, so he can suck it up on the back end.....Bob Howry never looked so good. Carlos needs to be I realize he has a no-trade clause, however, given the current circumstances, I find it hard to believe he wouldn't wave it at this point.
So, if someone is looking for a piece of shit pitcher with a chemical imbalance, give the Cubbies a call.
Tirades are nothing new for Carlos (and if you see the footage from Friday's rant, you'll see that most of his teammates ignored it), but directing it at the man who is quite possibly one of the nicest and most respected in baseball is over the line. Who gets pissed at Derek Lee? I mean, seriously? Sure, maybe the rumor that DLee told him to "shut the f**k up" is true, but who would blame him? Big Z has got to go. He's as much of a cancer to the team as Milton Bradley was. Now, I'm not saying it's his fault the Cubs suck so bad, all I'm saying is that his behavior shouldn't be tolerated. If I pulled that shit at my job, I'd be fired on the spot. I'm sure that's true of most places of employment.
Carlos is currently suspended indefinitely from the team. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I did hear that when (if?) he comes back, he'll be in the bullpen. Awesome, so he can suck it up on the back end.....Bob Howry never looked so good. Carlos needs to be I realize he has a no-trade clause, however, given the current circumstances, I find it hard to believe he wouldn't wave it at this point.
So, if someone is looking for a piece of shit pitcher with a chemical imbalance, give the Cubbies a call.
This lazy sloth of a girl actually completed a 10K Mud Run....
It's hard to believe but, yes, yours truly completed a 10K Mud Run. Who knew it was even possible? Certainly not me. I realize in meeting such a goal, most of it is mental, so in the days leading to the race, I tried my best to psych myself up for it.
As Saturday morning approached, and the realization of what I was about to do finally hit me, I admit I was doing some negative self-talk. Intimidated by all these super fit, muscular people, a bit of a panic set in. Not to mention it was 90+ 8:30 in the morning. My team (there were three of us) agreed early on that we were in this to have fun, which made me feel better. It wasn't the getting dirty part that I was scared, it was the obstacles themselves. Sure, I jog a lot and work out regularly, but this kind of event is something I've never even attempted. As the race started, our first obstacle was a mud pit about two feet into the had to go across it and then climb out. Now, folks, KD is only 5'2", my legs aren't the longest legs on Earth, so needless to say, this first one was a challenge for me...but I did it.
As the race went on, we had to wade in mud and water up to our shoulders, swim across this nasty pond and crawl on our hands and knees in pits of mud and water. There were also things we had to climb-in particular this frame that was about 30 feet high, there were slats of wood maybe 3 feet apart....and we had to climb this thing and then back down. I did it ok, but when I got to the ground, I suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded. I'm not sure if it was the height or maybe that I was overheated, but I threw up all over the place. Sexy, huh? It was just water, but still. My peeps dumped some cold water over my head and I sat in one of the medic tents for a few minutes but was determined to finish this thing (we were only about 2 miles in)...and finish I did. Sure, it took us longer than most, and by the end of it my friend Sarah's shoes had fallen apart and she was doing it barefoot (for reals), but we finished it. After a rinse off by the local fire department (um, it kinda hurts getting hit with water coming from a fire hose, just sayin), we headed home for much needed real showers. I was feeling pretty good Saturday other than the massive sunburn I got (if you are in water all day long, the odds of your sunscreen staying on are slim and none). And then Sunday came.
Sunday bloody Sunday. First of all, with the sunburn across my arms, shoulders and neck, I didn't sleep hardly at all. Second, when I woke up yesterday, I could barely move. Oh.My.God. Every muscle in my body hurt, even ones I didn't know I had. Couple sore muscles from head to toe with a major sunburn and you have the makings of a not very fun day. I essentially went from my bed to the couch and didn't do much else.....other than to go to Walgreens for some Aspercreme-my new friend. It helped a bit. I took stock of the numerous bruises on my body-it looks like someone beat me, for reals. I have bruises covering both arms, both legs and even one on my stomach (what the???). I should take stock in the aloe vera companies given the copious amounts of their product I've used in the last 48 hours. I'm a hot mess.
Last night was another sleepless night because of the damn sunburn. Today, I'm at work with a bright red face and a slight limp as my right leg and ass cheek still hurt (I slid down a big mud hill and there was a bit of a bump-probably a rock-and my ass cheek fell victim to it), but I'm functioning. That said, would I do it again? I don't know about that. What I do know is that I'm very proud of myself for completing the 10K, now I can say I did it!
Oh yea, and the Cubs suck.
As Saturday morning approached, and the realization of what I was about to do finally hit me, I admit I was doing some negative self-talk. Intimidated by all these super fit, muscular people, a bit of a panic set in. Not to mention it was 90+ 8:30 in the morning. My team (there were three of us) agreed early on that we were in this to have fun, which made me feel better. It wasn't the getting dirty part that I was scared, it was the obstacles themselves. Sure, I jog a lot and work out regularly, but this kind of event is something I've never even attempted. As the race started, our first obstacle was a mud pit about two feet into the had to go across it and then climb out. Now, folks, KD is only 5'2", my legs aren't the longest legs on Earth, so needless to say, this first one was a challenge for me...but I did it.
As the race went on, we had to wade in mud and water up to our shoulders, swim across this nasty pond and crawl on our hands and knees in pits of mud and water. There were also things we had to climb-in particular this frame that was about 30 feet high, there were slats of wood maybe 3 feet apart....and we had to climb this thing and then back down. I did it ok, but when I got to the ground, I suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded. I'm not sure if it was the height or maybe that I was overheated, but I threw up all over the place. Sexy, huh? It was just water, but still. My peeps dumped some cold water over my head and I sat in one of the medic tents for a few minutes but was determined to finish this thing (we were only about 2 miles in)...and finish I did. Sure, it took us longer than most, and by the end of it my friend Sarah's shoes had fallen apart and she was doing it barefoot (for reals), but we finished it. After a rinse off by the local fire department (um, it kinda hurts getting hit with water coming from a fire hose, just sayin), we headed home for much needed real showers. I was feeling pretty good Saturday other than the massive sunburn I got (if you are in water all day long, the odds of your sunscreen staying on are slim and none). And then Sunday came.
Sunday bloody Sunday. First of all, with the sunburn across my arms, shoulders and neck, I didn't sleep hardly at all. Second, when I woke up yesterday, I could barely move. Oh.My.God. Every muscle in my body hurt, even ones I didn't know I had. Couple sore muscles from head to toe with a major sunburn and you have the makings of a not very fun day. I essentially went from my bed to the couch and didn't do much else.....other than to go to Walgreens for some Aspercreme-my new friend. It helped a bit. I took stock of the numerous bruises on my body-it looks like someone beat me, for reals. I have bruises covering both arms, both legs and even one on my stomach (what the???). I should take stock in the aloe vera companies given the copious amounts of their product I've used in the last 48 hours. I'm a hot mess.
Last night was another sleepless night because of the damn sunburn. Today, I'm at work with a bright red face and a slight limp as my right leg and ass cheek still hurt (I slid down a big mud hill and there was a bit of a bump-probably a rock-and my ass cheek fell victim to it), but I'm functioning. That said, would I do it again? I don't know about that. What I do know is that I'm very proud of myself for completing the 10K, now I can say I did it!
Oh yea, and the Cubs suck.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mama!
The best Milwaukee has to offer?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Mi-li-wau-kee or bust
Yours truly is heading to the great Cheesehead state on Wednesday. No, not for pleasure, although I'm sure it's a delightful place. No, my boss (and my bosses boss) and I are heading to the greater Milwaukee area to visit some of our facilities (AKA "psych hospitals"). A meet and greet, if you will. Only one of the hospitals we're visiting is actually one I manage, but it'll be good to put faces with names. They're very excited. They tell me I have to have a brat while I'm there. Brats are gross, so I think I'll sit that one out. Beer? No thanks-it's all Miller products. Ew. Wait, is Old Style a Miller product???? They also tell me that water fountains are known as "bubblers"there. Is this true?
We are apparently heading to Milwaukee at just the right time-Summerfest starts on Thursday. Unfortunately, we leave Thursday evening, so I will be missing out on seeing Night Ranger and Kool and the Gang. Sons of bitches that makes me sad. Actually, woulda been nice to be there this weekend as Gavin DeGraw plays on Saturday. As y'all know, I just saw him perform in Vegas, and would be TOTALLY down for seeing him again. But 'tis not to be.
We're staying in Racine...I'm not exactly sure how close to Milwaukee that is, but I didn't make the travel plans, so I won't complain. I'm just along for the (free) ride. Hallelujah for business trips!
We are apparently heading to Milwaukee at just the right time-Summerfest starts on Thursday. Unfortunately, we leave Thursday evening, so I will be missing out on seeing Night Ranger and Kool and the Gang. Sons of bitches that makes me sad. Actually, woulda been nice to be there this weekend as Gavin DeGraw plays on Saturday. As y'all know, I just saw him perform in Vegas, and would be TOTALLY down for seeing him again. But 'tis not to be.
We're staying in Racine...I'm not exactly sure how close to Milwaukee that is, but I didn't make the travel plans, so I won't complain. I'm just along for the (free) ride. Hallelujah for business trips!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Specifically my dad, Ken. My dad is my hero, and the smartest guy I know. Wish I could have made it home this weekend to see him, but hopefully he enjoyed his Father's Day present (going to the Cardinals game this past Wednesday). I love you dad!
Happy Father's Day to my other two favorite dads-my Grandpa who is dad to six and grandpa and great-grandpa to a whole lot more.....and to my brother-in-law Jon. I couldn't have asked for a better daddy for my niece!
Happy Father's Day to my cousins, uncles and friends that are daddys (particularly my friend Deven and family friend Billy who are celebrating their first Father's Days!).
Happy Father's Day to my other two favorite dads-my Grandpa who is dad to six and grandpa and great-grandpa to a whole lot more.....and to my brother-in-law Jon. I couldn't have asked for a better daddy for my niece!
Happy Father's Day to my cousins, uncles and friends that are daddys (particularly my friend Deven and family friend Billy who are celebrating their first Father's Days!).
It's the little things
Know what made me sublimely happy today? The fact that when my sis, brother-in-law and niece arrived at church this morning, little Miss Kendall ran straight for her Aunt Kerri. Now, it may have been because she was half asleep and her judgment was a bit off, but I like to think it's because she loves her Aunt Kerri (almost as much as I love her). She's my little buddy.
Other things that made me happy today: the Cubs actually looked like a real MLB team with a 12-1 win and I got to "talk" to my favourite Canadian. Only thing that would have made today better is if I'd actually been able to talk to my dad for Father's Day. Stupid water logged phone.
Other things that made me happy today: the Cubs actually looked like a real MLB team with a 12-1 win and I got to "talk" to my favourite Canadian. Only thing that would have made today better is if I'd actually been able to talk to my dad for Father's Day. Stupid water logged phone.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My phone is no more
Dear family and friends:
Please don't try calling phone met it's demise today. That's what I get for actually washing the was on the counter charging, apparently water leaked from the sink onto the counter....killing my phone. It had a good two year run. It'll be another week before I can afford a new phone, so until then, either email or Facebook me. Thanks!
Please don't try calling phone met it's demise today. That's what I get for actually washing the was on the counter charging, apparently water leaked from the sink onto the counter....killing my phone. It had a good two year run. It'll be another week before I can afford a new phone, so until then, either email or Facebook me. Thanks!
KD's rants, observations and suggestions for the 2010 Chicago Cubs
In the 20+ years I've been a Cubs fan, I've seen a lot of bad teams (pretty much the entire decade of the 1990's). We're talking BAD. But never in my entire career as a Cubs fan (face it, it's like a job) have I ever been so disappointed in a team. Ever. Just when you think this 2010 team can't get any worse, they find new ways to prove you wrong. Ten errors in five games? Check. Losing 12-0 on a Ted Lilly day? Check check. Continuing to allow John Grabow and Bob Howry to have jobs in MLB? Check check check. It's disgusting, and, quite frankly, sad. In fact, I'm passed the point of being pissed because, well, this team is not worth my energy. It's not worth increasing my risk of having a stroke because my BP is through the roof after yet another exasperating game. I haven't even thrown any pillows at my TV this season because I just don't care anymore. The 2010 Cubs have caused me to lose my will to love baseball. And that, my friends, is the saddest thing of all.
That said, I do have some thoughts, ideas, suggestions that I think most Cubs fans would agree would be most useful. Not that the powers that be care what us Cubs fans think (hello, BP Cup, anyone?), but here's my take:
1. Play Tyler Colvin EVERY DAY. I don't care who you have to get rid of to make that happen, just f**kin make it happen. The kid has "superstar" written all over him and, really, it'd probably be in his best interest to go to another team. One that won't either ruin him or let his natural talent go to waste. Same goes for Starlin Castro.
2. I can't stress this next point nearly enough-GET RID OF JOHN GRABOW AND BOB HOWRY. They are a disgrace. I could pitch better than both of them...underhanded...with a whiffleball....with my eyes closed....while drunk. Hell, Bob Howry's necklace(s) can pitch better. No MLB team deserves to have their suckiness cast upon them.
3. I like Xavier Nady and Fukudome, them while they still have some value. Sori, Byrd and Colvin are all the outfielders you need. Get some f**kin bullpen help. Just sayin.
4. Buh bye Lou Piniella and Jim Hendry. 'Nuff said.
5. Two words-FIRE. SALE.
6. Keep Marlon Byrd happy. Great player, even better team player. One of the few that hasn't pissed me off this season.
7. Lower ticket prices. No one wants to pay that much of their hard earned money to watch this shit. Not even the die-hardest of the die-hard. Dear Ricketts Family, have you noticed the empty seats in the stands? For the first time in YEARS, there are empty seats at Wrigley. Cubs fans have finally had enough. Sad.
8. Get rid of John Grabow. Wait, did I already mention that?
9. Clear out the bullpen with the exception of Marmol, Cashner and Marshall. The rest? Nice knowin ya.
10. Make it mandatory that Ryan Theriot lose the soul patch. It looks ridiculous.
11. In observing this team, it is clear that THEY have accepted that they suck.
12. The offense is worse than last year. How is that even possible?????
13. I love this team. There are several of the players that I've watched for years and that I love dearly, but......get rid of them. I'm serious. Keep the kids, let them play, let's pull a Pittsburgh Pirates and clean house, get some prospects and rebuild. It's their only hope. For reals.
I tried going on Cubs sabbatical. For a couple of weeks, I found that I really didn't miss them and, in fact, was quite productive when I didn't have to waste 3 hours of every day following a game and then subsequently spending the next few hours stewing over the suckage. In fact, maybe the suckiness is good for me. I can concentrate on other things in my life that are actually important. That said, if they put together even the slightest run at goodness, they'd probably have me back in their grasp. Bastards.
That said, I do have some thoughts, ideas, suggestions that I think most Cubs fans would agree would be most useful. Not that the powers that be care what us Cubs fans think (hello, BP Cup, anyone?), but here's my take:
1. Play Tyler Colvin EVERY DAY. I don't care who you have to get rid of to make that happen, just f**kin make it happen. The kid has "superstar" written all over him and, really, it'd probably be in his best interest to go to another team. One that won't either ruin him or let his natural talent go to waste. Same goes for Starlin Castro.
2. I can't stress this next point nearly enough-GET RID OF JOHN GRABOW AND BOB HOWRY. They are a disgrace. I could pitch better than both of them...underhanded...with a whiffleball....with my eyes closed....while drunk. Hell, Bob Howry's necklace(s) can pitch better. No MLB team deserves to have their suckiness cast upon them.
3. I like Xavier Nady and Fukudome, them while they still have some value. Sori, Byrd and Colvin are all the outfielders you need. Get some f**kin bullpen help. Just sayin.
4. Buh bye Lou Piniella and Jim Hendry. 'Nuff said.
5. Two words-FIRE. SALE.
6. Keep Marlon Byrd happy. Great player, even better team player. One of the few that hasn't pissed me off this season.
7. Lower ticket prices. No one wants to pay that much of their hard earned money to watch this shit. Not even the die-hardest of the die-hard. Dear Ricketts Family, have you noticed the empty seats in the stands? For the first time in YEARS, there are empty seats at Wrigley. Cubs fans have finally had enough. Sad.
8. Get rid of John Grabow. Wait, did I already mention that?
9. Clear out the bullpen with the exception of Marmol, Cashner and Marshall. The rest? Nice knowin ya.
10. Make it mandatory that Ryan Theriot lose the soul patch. It looks ridiculous.
11. In observing this team, it is clear that THEY have accepted that they suck.
12. The offense is worse than last year. How is that even possible?????
13. I love this team. There are several of the players that I've watched for years and that I love dearly, but......get rid of them. I'm serious. Keep the kids, let them play, let's pull a Pittsburgh Pirates and clean house, get some prospects and rebuild. It's their only hope. For reals.
I tried going on Cubs sabbatical. For a couple of weeks, I found that I really didn't miss them and, in fact, was quite productive when I didn't have to waste 3 hours of every day following a game and then subsequently spending the next few hours stewing over the suckage. In fact, maybe the suckiness is good for me. I can concentrate on other things in my life that are actually important. That said, if they put together even the slightest run at goodness, they'd probably have me back in their grasp. Bastards.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Vegas pics!

Mikey and I love to pose with things! This is inside Paris casino....

Obviously, Paris casino (the Eiffel Tower gave it away....) and Ballys

The fountain show at the Bellagio was SO cool!

New York New York casino

our hotel, Excalibur....cheesy but with a room upgrade, quite nice!

posing at the M&M store.....

A trip to Vegas wouldn't be complete without encountering an Elvis impersonator.....

self explanatory....

The Venetian

Treasure Island, or TI as it's now referred.
the Stratosphere. We rode the rides at the top of this thing...two of them literally took you off the side of the building...dangling 800 feet over Vegas. Yikes.
those biceps could cause world peace.
Great article on Tyler Colvin
This is a great article on Cubs rookie, Tyler Colvin (and my 2010 Cubs crush). Kinda made me teary-eyed, not gonna lie. It's quite endearing to read about someone who truly earned his way into the MLB based on talent and hard work. And I love how close he is to his gramps. I'll even ignore the fact that he's engaged........ ;)
This is a great article on Cubs rookie, Tyler Colvin (and my 2010 Cubs crush). Kinda made me teary-eyed, not gonna lie. It's quite endearing to read about someone who truly earned his way into the MLB based on talent and hard work. And I love how close he is to his gramps. I'll even ignore the fact that he's engaged........ ;)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Quick Vegas Summary
Did ya miss me?
I LOVED Vegas! OMG, we had a good time. I'm gonna provide you with a brief summary. I'll expand on my stories later. I'm tired. And have to go back to work tomorrow. Boo. Oh, and I see that the Cubs still suck-sabbatical continues. Anyhoo....
1. Charm will get you upgrades. Hello, 3rd row for Criss Angel, bitches! Now, I realize Criss Angel is kinda a d-bag, but actually, his show was really good. We also saw Louie Anderson.....for free.
2. The Bellagio buffet is SOOOO worth the $30. Just sayin.
3. I freakin met Carrot Top. Pics to follow at a later time.
4. I saw Gavin DeGraw live at LAX at the Luxor. He's H-O-T hot.
5. The Cirque du Soleil show, Love, is AMAZING.
6. I rode all three rides at the Stratosphere. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
7. I ran into Dr. Scheperle while in Vegas. Small world!
8. DFW airport still sucks major ass.
More to come kids. But for now, I have to go night night.
Did ya miss me?
I LOVED Vegas! OMG, we had a good time. I'm gonna provide you with a brief summary. I'll expand on my stories later. I'm tired. And have to go back to work tomorrow. Boo. Oh, and I see that the Cubs still suck-sabbatical continues. Anyhoo....
1. Charm will get you upgrades. Hello, 3rd row for Criss Angel, bitches! Now, I realize Criss Angel is kinda a d-bag, but actually, his show was really good. We also saw Louie Anderson.....for free.
2. The Bellagio buffet is SOOOO worth the $30. Just sayin.
3. I freakin met Carrot Top. Pics to follow at a later time.
4. I saw Gavin DeGraw live at LAX at the Luxor. He's H-O-T hot.
5. The Cirque du Soleil show, Love, is AMAZING.
6. I rode all three rides at the Stratosphere. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
7. I ran into Dr. Scheperle while in Vegas. Small world!
8. DFW airport still sucks major ass.
More to come kids. But for now, I have to go night night.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
14 months!
I can't believe my little munckin niece is already 14 months old! Where does the time go? She is turning into such a funny (and feisty!) little person. She has Grandpa Davidson wrapped around her chubby little fingers. Alright, if I'm being honest, she has ALL of us wrapped around her chubby little fingers.....
This past weekend we were all at my parents house and Miss Kendall constantly wanted to be outside....she would pick flowers and bring them in to various members of the family-she was so proud of herself! She also liked to pick up rocks and throw them in the pond. Such a nature girl! The best, however, was when she led my brother (her Uncle Tim) around the house by the dog's leash. She just thought that was hilarious!
She's also starting to throw tantrums, which, unfortunately for her, are hilarious! She bends down and puts her head on the ground (looks kinda like she's getting ready to do a somersault) and cries. I'm not doing the visual me, it's funny. She's picking up new words every day, she likes to walk around and "talk" in this cute little sing-song voice and she still loves, loves, loves dogs! We found some of our old childhood books in my parents basement ("Fire Cat", anyone???) that we were able to read to her (I'm sad we can't find "Pete the Parakeet".....that was the book both my sister and I learned to read with). She knows no strangers and LOVES to be the center of attention (wonder where she gets that????). She is such a fun kid. Aunt Kerri is obviously in love with her!
This past weekend we were all at my parents house and Miss Kendall constantly wanted to be outside....she would pick flowers and bring them in to various members of the family-she was so proud of herself! She also liked to pick up rocks and throw them in the pond. Such a nature girl! The best, however, was when she led my brother (her Uncle Tim) around the house by the dog's leash. She just thought that was hilarious!
She's also starting to throw tantrums, which, unfortunately for her, are hilarious! She bends down and puts her head on the ground (looks kinda like she's getting ready to do a somersault) and cries. I'm not doing the visual me, it's funny. She's picking up new words every day, she likes to walk around and "talk" in this cute little sing-song voice and she still loves, loves, loves dogs! We found some of our old childhood books in my parents basement ("Fire Cat", anyone???) that we were able to read to her (I'm sad we can't find "Pete the Parakeet".....that was the book both my sister and I learned to read with). She knows no strangers and LOVES to be the center of attention (wonder where she gets that????). She is such a fun kid. Aunt Kerri is obviously in love with her!
Ok, I know technically today isn't Friday but it is for me, bitches!!! WOOT WOOT! After today, I won't return to work until next Tuesday!
My Mikey and I are heading to Vegas Baby Vegas tomorrow! Yay! Ol' KD is a Vegas Virgin (or "VV"), so this is sure to be an adventure. Contrary to popular belief, I am not much of a party girl (anymore), so here's hopin I can keep up with Michael. My master plan is to sit my ass down at the penny slots and get free drinks all day. Sounds like a good one, right?
My friend that lives there confirmed for me that it was 108 degrees there the other day. Um....what? Dry heat my ass. But, perhaps I'll finally get to have some good hair days since there will be no humidity (you Midwest girls know what I'm talkin about...frizz city!). Rest assured there will be plenty of photo ops and yours truly will be in picture taking mode.
I hear our hotel has a karaoke bar (so awesomely white trash!) and I'm hoping my lifelong dream of singing "Islands In The Stream" with Mikey finally comes true...with me being Kenny and Mike being Dolly. I mean DUH.
Vegas baby, Vegas!
My Mikey and I are heading to Vegas Baby Vegas tomorrow! Yay! Ol' KD is a Vegas Virgin (or "VV"), so this is sure to be an adventure. Contrary to popular belief, I am not much of a party girl (anymore), so here's hopin I can keep up with Michael. My master plan is to sit my ass down at the penny slots and get free drinks all day. Sounds like a good one, right?
My friend that lives there confirmed for me that it was 108 degrees there the other day. Um....what? Dry heat my ass. But, perhaps I'll finally get to have some good hair days since there will be no humidity (you Midwest girls know what I'm talkin about...frizz city!). Rest assured there will be plenty of photo ops and yours truly will be in picture taking mode.
I hear our hotel has a karaoke bar (so awesomely white trash!) and I'm hoping my lifelong dream of singing "Islands In The Stream" with Mikey finally comes true...with me being Kenny and Mike being Dolly. I mean DUH.
Vegas baby, Vegas!
Monday, June 07, 2010
I know he doesn't want to make a big deal about it, but I just have to say how incredibly proud I am of my father. He is currently in Haiti, helping and hoping to make a difference. I just find that amazing. As I dropped him off at the airport yesterday morning, I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed. If I can do even half of the good things my dad has done, I'll consider my life a success. If I had the financial means, I would have gone with him. I hope it's a wonderful experience for him-it'll be heartbreaking, I'm sure, but possibly also heartwarming. I just think it's way cool that he decided to do this!!!!
Friday, June 04, 2010
Relay for Life 5K
Tomorrow morning, bright and early! It's the Relay for Life 5K in beautiful Salem, Missouri (ok,maybe "beautiful" is a strong word....). Who's in?
I'll be heading to Salem tonight after work, as will my sister, brother-in-law and beautiful baby niece....can't wait! It's a great cause....I mean, every single one of us knows someone who has been affected by cancer.
I've also apparently been talked into doing a 10K Mud Run at the end of the month. How did that happen? My co-worker Sarah talked me into it, she's a former Marine so I'm kinda scared of her. I tried to weasel my way out of it by letting her know that I would be our team's weak link, but she was hearing none of it. So, I suppose yours truly will be doing a 10K obstacle course covered in mud on June 26. Yay.
Anyone else's allergies kicking their ass???? UGH. For the last week, I've had swollen glands, sinus headaches, stuffy nose and have been riding a Claritin buzz daily. Non-drowsy my ass. I'm sitting here drooling on myself. For reals. I'm guessing the allergens are hardcore out and about because I don't typically have these symptoms in the summer. So, I'd like to thank the mold, pollen, trees, dust, grass and, well, air, for making me feel like crap. Awesome.
I'll be heading to Salem tonight after work, as will my sister, brother-in-law and beautiful baby niece....can't wait! It's a great cause....I mean, every single one of us knows someone who has been affected by cancer.
I've also apparently been talked into doing a 10K Mud Run at the end of the month. How did that happen? My co-worker Sarah talked me into it, she's a former Marine so I'm kinda scared of her. I tried to weasel my way out of it by letting her know that I would be our team's weak link, but she was hearing none of it. So, I suppose yours truly will be doing a 10K obstacle course covered in mud on June 26. Yay.
Anyone else's allergies kicking their ass???? UGH. For the last week, I've had swollen glands, sinus headaches, stuffy nose and have been riding a Claritin buzz daily. Non-drowsy my ass. I'm sitting here drooling on myself. For reals. I'm guessing the allergens are hardcore out and about because I don't typically have these symptoms in the summer. So, I'd like to thank the mold, pollen, trees, dust, grass and, well, air, for making me feel like crap. Awesome.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
The Great Depression
I am sliding down a spiral of Cubs depression. Sure, you'd think after being a Cubs fan for 20+ years that I would have had my share of ups and downs (mostly downs) and you'd be right. But this season feels different. Am I right, fellow Cubs fans? THIS team should be doing more. THIS team should be beating the mother f**kin Pirates. THIS team's "slugger" should be batting more than .160. THIS team should bench the ones that suck, and play the ones that don't. THIS team is 7 games back on June 1 and has two teams including the frickin REDS to beat. THIS team doesn't even deserve to be in 3rd place at this point. THIS team sucks.
I'm going on a Cubs sabbatical. I don't know when I'll be back.
I'm going on a Cubs sabbatical. I don't know when I'll be back.
Hot Vegas
I just spoke to a lovely woman at some treatment center in Vegas (no, not to check myself in) and she informed me that the temp is expected to hit triple digits in the next few days. Why is this an issue? Because KD will be in Vegas next week. KD did not like hearing about the 100+ temps. KD will be sitting poolside sipping cocktails for the duration of my trip. Viva Las Vegas!
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