Monday, June 28, 2010

This lazy sloth of a girl actually completed a 10K Mud Run....

It's hard to believe but, yes, yours truly completed a 10K Mud Run. Who knew it was even possible? Certainly not me. I realize in meeting such a goal, most of it is mental, so in the days leading to the race, I tried my best to psych myself up for it.

As Saturday morning approached, and the realization of what I was about to do finally hit me, I admit I was doing some negative self-talk. Intimidated by all these super fit, muscular people, a bit of a panic set in. Not to mention it was 90+ 8:30 in the morning. My team (there were three of us) agreed early on that we were in this to have fun, which made me feel better. It wasn't the getting dirty part that I was scared, it was the obstacles themselves. Sure, I jog a lot and work out regularly, but this kind of event is something I've never even attempted. As the race started, our first obstacle was a mud pit about two feet into the had to go across it and then climb out. Now, folks, KD is only 5'2", my legs aren't the longest legs on Earth, so needless to say, this first one was a challenge for me...but I did it.

As the race went on, we had to wade in mud and water up to our shoulders, swim across this nasty pond and crawl on our hands and knees in pits of mud and water. There were also things we had to climb-in particular this frame that was about 30 feet high, there were slats of wood maybe 3 feet apart....and we had to climb this thing and then back down. I did it ok, but when I got to the ground, I suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded. I'm not sure if it was the height or maybe that I was overheated, but I threw up all over the place. Sexy, huh? It was just water, but still. My peeps dumped some cold water over my head and I sat in one of the medic tents for a few minutes but was determined to finish this thing (we were only about 2 miles in)...and finish I did. Sure, it took us longer than most, and by the end of it my friend Sarah's shoes had fallen apart and she was doing it barefoot (for reals), but we finished it. After a rinse off by the local fire department (um, it kinda hurts getting hit with water coming from a fire hose, just sayin), we headed home for much needed real showers. I was feeling pretty good Saturday other than the massive sunburn I got (if you are in water all day long, the odds of your sunscreen staying on are slim and none). And then Sunday came.

Sunday bloody Sunday. First of all, with the sunburn across my arms, shoulders and neck, I didn't sleep hardly at all. Second, when I woke up yesterday, I could barely move. Oh.My.God. Every muscle in my body hurt, even ones I didn't know I had. Couple sore muscles from head to toe with a major sunburn and you have the makings of a not very fun day. I essentially went from my bed to the couch and didn't do much else.....other than to go to Walgreens for some Aspercreme-my new friend. It helped a bit. I took stock of the numerous bruises on my body-it looks like someone beat me, for reals. I have bruises covering both arms, both legs and even one on my stomach (what the???). I should take stock in the aloe vera companies given the copious amounts of their product I've used in the last 48 hours. I'm a hot mess.

Last night was another sleepless night because of the damn sunburn. Today, I'm at work with a bright red face and a slight limp as my right leg and ass cheek still hurt (I slid down a big mud hill and there was a bit of a bump-probably a rock-and my ass cheek fell victim to it), but I'm functioning. That said, would I do it again? I don't know about that. What I do know is that I'm very proud of myself for completing the 10K, now I can say I did it!

Oh yea, and the Cubs suck.


J.J. said...

I have never heard of a Mud Run. It sounds both fun and hideous.

KD said...

It was indeed both.

Blue said...

I'm proud of you Kerri, it is awesome that you completed the course. Not the easiest thing to do, good to know that you did not fracture anything like I did when I took part in

KD said...

Thanks blue!

so...what did you break???

Nothing broken here but definitely head to toe bruises. I look like I got into a fight....and didn't win. :)

Blue said...

Hi. I fractured my middle finger left hand. Had to have surgery to fix it, had three pins put in to hold the bones together, then had them removed a few months later.
You can always say that you were going after a Colvin foul ball and had to fight for won.

KD said...

I would definitely risk life and limb to go after a Colvin foul ball...or to go after the man himself, for that matter.....