Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day and that you are spending it with the ones you love! I'll be spending it with J. He gets to experience one of the rarest occurrences ever-me cooking. Yes, I am going to cook for my man. This may make or break the relationship. No, I am confident in my ability to impress him with my mad kitchen skills. This is gonna be fun..... better have a backup plan baby!

To those that are single, here's hoping cupid shoots you in the butt with his arrow!


Anonymous said...

it was a great dinner damn this girl has it all

Stephen M Bourke said...

Holy crap! I heard the bad news. Hope your not in too much pain. Just remember Grandmama's old recipe for pain - 2 vicodin + copious amounts of alcohol = no more pain. Good luck. Hope to see you soon.

KD said...

I didn't do the alcohol, but the Vicodin was helpful...although I developed a rare and dangerous condition known as Vicodin Induced Road Rage. It wasn't good for anyone involved....