I haven't written in awhile, so, given the fact that I've worked out today, had little sleep AND I am operating on about four hours of sleep, I'm quite hyped up today and therefore, in the mood to write about all things nonsense. So, what's on my mind today? Glad you asked.
I'm very excited that my friend Robin is now working with me. Oh what fun we have together. I like her because she's snarky like me. My partner in crime, if you will. One of our co-workers said that we even have the same mannerisms. Could it be true? After 10+ years of friendship, we've finally morphed into the same person? Does that mean I'll get the awesome hubby that gives me allowance too? No? Robin makes me giggle AND she brought me a giant Slim Jim today. Now that's friendship. :)
And in How In The Hell Did This Happen news, I've apparently been nominated to join the newly formed Newsletter Committee at work. Thanks to someone leaking the fact that I "love to write", I have now been suckered in to this committee. Thus far, I am in charge of a little section they're calling "Kerri's List", similar to Craigslist, (um, are there any copyright laws being broken there?). I've had several people email me about their crap, not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do with it. Here's what you need to know-I am not a joiner at work. I don't do committees, I don't hang out with my co-workers after work, I don't JOIN. My preference is to just do my work and go home. That being said, now, every month, every single person I work with will be stuck with this newsletter with my mug on it. Suckers.
The Cubs game last night made me happy. Finally, the boys won in convincing fashion, beating up on the Dbags 11-3. Several entertaining things occurred during this game, namely, Big Z-THE PITCHER, nearly hitting for the cycle (just a triple shy!) and Ted Lilly placing a giant bug on one of the coaches heads (hey, it was after 11pm, lots of things seem funny then). The team seemed loose and in a good mood-let's hope this winning trend continues, huh?
Someone yesterday paid me a compliment about my writing. And, since I'm a compliment whore, I'm taking it and running with it. See, someone DOES like it when I'm a sarcastic a-hole. Thanks Kate. :) It's inspired me to keep on writing, even if no one cares about what I have to say (which I'm pretty sure is the case). I'm writing (and rambling) about what I want to write about, what I care about, so Mike Tinnin be damned, I'm still writing about the Cubs. Uh, I mean, I love you Mikey, let us never break up. ;)
My precious baby niece Kendall is three weeks old today. I'm convinced she's the greatest, most adorable baby EVER in the history of the world. I love her sooooooooooo much!
Well, folks, I could go on and on and on, but you need a break. And I apparently have to go to my first Newsletter Committee Meeting where I'm gonna have to pretend to be nice, pretend I actually like people and pretend that I care. Peace out.
P.S. I miss my sassy little Canuck. ;)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
American Idol Top 5...the end is near
Ok, first off, what the F was up with Paula's dress? It was kinda freakin me out....second, the finale is only THREE weeks away! What in the HELL am I gonna talk about after that????
So, this week, the AI gang was singing songs from the Rat Pack era, American "standards" if you will. Overall, I think everyone did a good job but let me break it down for you:
KRIS-LOVE HIM! Could he be any cuter? I mean, seriously. He sang "The Way You Look Tonight" and I thought he did an amazing job. And I'm pretty sure I heard Simon call him a cocker spaniel.......?????
ALLISON-the last girl standing celebrated her 17th birthday yesterday. Still looks and acts like she's 37 if you ask me. Someone check that kid's birth certificate. Anyhoo....she sang "Someone To Watch Over Me" and she was amazing. Sounded great and I loved the black streaks in her hair. I think Simon told her she was in trouble on purpose to generate votes. No way she's going anywhere. Ok, maybe.
MATT-He sang "My Funny Valentine". I was bored to tears for 3/4 of the song, he busted it out near the end and it was good, but I'm sorry, Matt deserves to go home this week. WTF-Simon liked it? Weird. Moving on.....
DANNY-He's back to the Danny I loved in previous weeks-AMAZING! He sang "Come Rain or Come Shine" and he sounded absolutely amazing. The judges loved it-I mean, DUH.
ADAM-I don't even know what to say about Adam. He sang "Feeling Good". I'm not gonna lie, I'm oddly intrigued by him (even after Mike showed me the pics of him on the internet dressed in drag), I can't quite figure out why, but he's definitely intriguing. Was the song over the top? Yes. Did it sound more like a Broadway number? Yes. Was it amazing? Yes. And diggin the white silk suit dude......
I think it's Matt's turn to exit. It may be he and Allison in the bottom two but if there is any American Idol justice in the world, to steal some words from the wise Bret Michaels, Matt, your tour ends here.
So, this week, the AI gang was singing songs from the Rat Pack era, American "standards" if you will. Overall, I think everyone did a good job but let me break it down for you:
KRIS-LOVE HIM! Could he be any cuter? I mean, seriously. He sang "The Way You Look Tonight" and I thought he did an amazing job. And I'm pretty sure I heard Simon call him a cocker spaniel.......?????
ALLISON-the last girl standing celebrated her 17th birthday yesterday. Still looks and acts like she's 37 if you ask me. Someone check that kid's birth certificate. Anyhoo....she sang "Someone To Watch Over Me" and she was amazing. Sounded great and I loved the black streaks in her hair. I think Simon told her she was in trouble on purpose to generate votes. No way she's going anywhere. Ok, maybe.
MATT-He sang "My Funny Valentine". I was bored to tears for 3/4 of the song, he busted it out near the end and it was good, but I'm sorry, Matt deserves to go home this week. WTF-Simon liked it? Weird. Moving on.....
DANNY-He's back to the Danny I loved in previous weeks-AMAZING! He sang "Come Rain or Come Shine" and he sounded absolutely amazing. The judges loved it-I mean, DUH.
ADAM-I don't even know what to say about Adam. He sang "Feeling Good". I'm not gonna lie, I'm oddly intrigued by him (even after Mike showed me the pics of him on the internet dressed in drag), I can't quite figure out why, but he's definitely intriguing. Was the song over the top? Yes. Did it sound more like a Broadway number? Yes. Was it amazing? Yes. And diggin the white silk suit dude......
I think it's Matt's turn to exit. It may be he and Allison in the bottom two but if there is any American Idol justice in the world, to steal some words from the wise Bret Michaels, Matt, your tour ends here.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pics from Friday's Cubs/Cards game
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Baby Kendall is two weeks old today!
Hard to believe she's already two weeks old! She is seriously the most precious thing ever. I love her so much. And considering she's the only bright spot in my life right now, prepare to hear about her often.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
American Idol Top 7....again
Let me just say for any future American Idol seasons-Disco Night SUCKS. Just putting that out there, FOX.
That being said, tonight's performances were underwhelming at best, forgettable at worst. And what the hell? Paula was riding the Crazy Train tonight....girlfriend is a hot mess. I'm just sayin. And Simon was a cranky a-hole, but mostly spot on. Here's my breakdown:
LIL-she sang "I'm Every Woman". Ugh. It was a hot, hot mess, the background singers sounded better than she did and Simon is right-she's sooooooo outta here.
KRIS-Wow.....LOVED HIM! He made a surprising song choice, "She Works Hard For The Money" but somehow made it work....he sounded great but I'm not sure I got Paula's reference about shopping in the women's section....I'm pretty sure she was trying to say that it's not often that a man chooses to sing a song originally done by a woman. If so, she should have just said it like I just did. Would have been WAY clearer.
DANNY-He sang a song whose title I've already forgotten. No matter-here's the deal. Love Danny, think he sings great, but all his songs/performances are starting to sound/look the same. In other words-I'm getting bored. And was that Vince Neal they showed in the crowd? Random.
ALLISON-She sang "Hot Stuff" and I gotta say, I liked it! She looked great, very rocker chic, definitely gonna be the last girl standing.
ADAM-He sang a very changed version of "If I Can't Have You". He was kinda freakin me out a bit and the song was screetchy at times, but overall, another good performance and he is definitely the frontrunner. Did you see that ring he had on? What the F? Paula cried? Get it together, honey. Good Lord.
MATT-He did "Stayin Alive". Vocally, I thought it was great (except for the very end-I think he ran out of breath). The background singers were too loud so you couldn't hear him at times, but overall, I think it was a solid performance. I still think he may be going home.
ANOOP-I'm not sure what the name of his song was, it was dumb anyway. Vocally, he sounded great. Some of those notes he hit were amazing. But I can't get over the 'stache. I may have nightmares about it tonight. I'm just sayin.
So, here's the deal, Lil and Matt are going home. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Next.
That being said, tonight's performances were underwhelming at best, forgettable at worst. And what the hell? Paula was riding the Crazy Train tonight....girlfriend is a hot mess. I'm just sayin. And Simon was a cranky a-hole, but mostly spot on. Here's my breakdown:
LIL-she sang "I'm Every Woman". Ugh. It was a hot, hot mess, the background singers sounded better than she did and Simon is right-she's sooooooo outta here.
KRIS-Wow.....LOVED HIM! He made a surprising song choice, "She Works Hard For The Money" but somehow made it work....he sounded great but I'm not sure I got Paula's reference about shopping in the women's section....I'm pretty sure she was trying to say that it's not often that a man chooses to sing a song originally done by a woman. If so, she should have just said it like I just did. Would have been WAY clearer.
DANNY-He sang a song whose title I've already forgotten. No matter-here's the deal. Love Danny, think he sings great, but all his songs/performances are starting to sound/look the same. In other words-I'm getting bored. And was that Vince Neal they showed in the crowd? Random.
ALLISON-She sang "Hot Stuff" and I gotta say, I liked it! She looked great, very rocker chic, definitely gonna be the last girl standing.
ADAM-He sang a very changed version of "If I Can't Have You". He was kinda freakin me out a bit and the song was screetchy at times, but overall, another good performance and he is definitely the frontrunner. Did you see that ring he had on? What the F? Paula cried? Get it together, honey. Good Lord.
MATT-He did "Stayin Alive". Vocally, I thought it was great (except for the very end-I think he ran out of breath). The background singers were too loud so you couldn't hear him at times, but overall, I think it was a solid performance. I still think he may be going home.
ANOOP-I'm not sure what the name of his song was, it was dumb anyway. Vocally, he sounded great. Some of those notes he hit were amazing. But I can't get over the 'stache. I may have nightmares about it tonight. I'm just sayin.
So, here's the deal, Lil and Matt are going home. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Next.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New pics of Kendall!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
American Idol Top 7....short and sweet
I'm keeping this one short because, quite honestly, I was only half paying attention tonight. The top 7 had to do songs from movies tonight with the strange direction of Quentin Tarantino who was TOTALLY flirting with Adam Lambert. I'm just sayin....
The judges, thanks to their long winded critiques from last week, only critiqued two at a time this week-I kinda like that format. Good work, AI. Although I think EVERYONE should be critiqued by Simon. I mean, he's almost always right, in my opinion.
ALLISON-She sang "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" from the Armageddon soundtrack. She sounded good, although her dress was soooo not flattering, made her look a bit hippy. I'm just sayin....
ANOOP-Oh Anoop, loved him! He sang "Everything I Do, I Do It For You" from Robin Hood (Prince of Thieves-don't forget that part). Cheesy song, yes. But Anoop sang it beautifully!
MATT-He sang another Bryan Adams hit, "To Really Love A Woman" from Don Juan De Marco (um, wasn't Johnny Depp in that movie? Yum), which, I'm kinda ashamed to admit, I like to belt out in the car on occasion. Anyhoo....I really wasn't diggin it, parts of it were a hot mess, but the end was good. Because it was over.
DANNY-He sang Endless Love. A great song, but the beginning was slow and boring...the end was GREAT though! Danny didn't listen to Quentin Tarantino when he told him to keep his hands in his pockets. Shame on you Danny Boy.
ADAM-I don't care what Mike says, I think he looked kinda hot. He sang "Born To Be Wild" from the Easy Rider soundtrack, it was a bit over the top, but his vocals were amazing. Again.
KRIS-Loved me some Kris! He sang "I'm Falling Slowly" from some movie I don't remember, his high notes were great, but he looked like was playing dress up in his daddy's suit, didn't he? That suit he was wearing was way too big.
LIL-She sang "The Rose". All I gotsta say is, Lil's in trouble folks.
Hard to say who the bottom will be tonight....I'm gonna go with Lil, Matt and probably Kris.
I think Miss Lil is gone. Buh bye.
The judges, thanks to their long winded critiques from last week, only critiqued two at a time this week-I kinda like that format. Good work, AI. Although I think EVERYONE should be critiqued by Simon. I mean, he's almost always right, in my opinion.
ALLISON-She sang "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" from the Armageddon soundtrack. She sounded good, although her dress was soooo not flattering, made her look a bit hippy. I'm just sayin....
ANOOP-Oh Anoop, loved him! He sang "Everything I Do, I Do It For You" from Robin Hood (Prince of Thieves-don't forget that part). Cheesy song, yes. But Anoop sang it beautifully!
MATT-He sang another Bryan Adams hit, "To Really Love A Woman" from Don Juan De Marco (um, wasn't Johnny Depp in that movie? Yum), which, I'm kinda ashamed to admit, I like to belt out in the car on occasion. Anyhoo....I really wasn't diggin it, parts of it were a hot mess, but the end was good. Because it was over.
DANNY-He sang Endless Love. A great song, but the beginning was slow and boring...the end was GREAT though! Danny didn't listen to Quentin Tarantino when he told him to keep his hands in his pockets. Shame on you Danny Boy.
ADAM-I don't care what Mike says, I think he looked kinda hot. He sang "Born To Be Wild" from the Easy Rider soundtrack, it was a bit over the top, but his vocals were amazing. Again.
KRIS-Loved me some Kris! He sang "I'm Falling Slowly" from some movie I don't remember, his high notes were great, but he looked like was playing dress up in his daddy's suit, didn't he? That suit he was wearing was way too big.
LIL-She sang "The Rose". All I gotsta say is, Lil's in trouble folks.
Hard to say who the bottom will be tonight....I'm gonna go with Lil, Matt and probably Kris.
I think Miss Lil is gone. Buh bye.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Cubs with the 1 hitter on their home opener. Ted Lilly still a bad ass.
Oh, Ted Lilly, how I love thee. Ted got the start on the Cubs home opener today and he didn't disappoint. Ted took a no-hitter 2 outs deep into the 7th inning before giving up a base hit to some dude on the Rockies whose name I've already forgotten. No matter, Ted and the subsequent bullpen pitchers held it to the one measly hit and the Cubbies won 4-0. Goggles (AKA Kevin Gregg, the Cubs supposed closer) only made me wanna hurl once today (which is a vast improvement over previous performances) and things seem to be clicking. The boys are off to a 5-2 start, not too shabby, not too shabby indeed. Tomorrow's game is already making me giggle as the opposing pitcher for the Rockies is one Jason Marquis. LOL. ;)
Kendall's homecoming












Only TWO more days until Aunt Kerri and Uncle Tim invade Dallas and shower that baby girl with even more love and attention!!!!!! :)
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