Tuesday, April 21, 2009

American Idol Top 7....again

Let me just say for any future American Idol seasons-Disco Night SUCKS. Just putting that out there, FOX.
That being said, tonight's performances were underwhelming at best, forgettable at worst. And what the hell? Paula was riding the Crazy Train tonight....girlfriend is a hot mess. I'm just sayin. And Simon was a cranky a-hole, but mostly spot on. Here's my breakdown:

LIL-she sang "I'm Every Woman". Ugh. It was a hot, hot mess, the background singers sounded better than she did and Simon is right-she's sooooooo outta here.

KRIS-Wow.....LOVED HIM! He made a surprising song choice, "She Works Hard For The Money" but somehow made it work....he sounded great but I'm not sure I got Paula's reference about shopping in the women's section....I'm pretty sure she was trying to say that it's not often that a man chooses to sing a song originally done by a woman. If so, she should have just said it like I just did. Would have been WAY clearer.

DANNY-He sang a song whose title I've already forgotten. No matter-here's the deal. Love Danny, think he sings great, but all his songs/performances are starting to sound/look the same. In other words-I'm getting bored. And was that Vince Neal they showed in the crowd? Random.

ALLISON-She sang "Hot Stuff" and I gotta say, I liked it! She looked great, very rocker chic, definitely gonna be the last girl standing.

ADAM-He sang a very changed version of "If I Can't Have You". He was kinda freakin me out a bit and the song was screetchy at times, but overall, another good performance and he is definitely the frontrunner. Did you see that ring he had on? What the F? Paula cried? Get it together, honey. Good Lord.

MATT-He did "Stayin Alive". Vocally, I thought it was great (except for the very end-I think he ran out of breath). The background singers were too loud so you couldn't hear him at times, but overall, I think it was a solid performance. I still think he may be going home.

ANOOP-I'm not sure what the name of his song was, it was dumb anyway. Vocally, he sounded great. Some of those notes he hit were amazing. But I can't get over the 'stache. I may have nightmares about it tonight. I'm just sayin.

So, here's the deal, Lil and Matt are going home. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Next.

1 comment:

ern said...

do you take notes during the show so you can write these updates? just wondering...