Thursday, June 04, 2009

I work with animals

I can't believe some people. I'm sure you've heard me rant before about the nastiness that is the bathroom at my place of employment. Often, even though you see the cleaning person in there 4-5x a day, the place is a mess-paper towels in the floor, water all over the place, individual stalls often "out of order", and unidentified hairs in various places (seriously). But yesterday's events go above and beyond the realm of horrifying. Such reactions to the events included "oh my God" and "are you serious?" and "dude, I'm gonna hurl". What was it that caused such an uproar, you may be asking? Well, I'll tell you............yesterday, June 3, 2009, in stall #4 of the 6th floor women's restroom, a piece of poo was spotted on the floor. On the floor. WHO DOES THAT (outside of toddlers and geriatric/demented folks who don't know any better)????? I mean, I was so outraged at this latest disgusting event that I totally skimmed over the fact that earlier in the week, a used ladies product was found in the floor of the very same restroom. I mean, my GOD people, what in the hell is wrong with you? And an even scarier question is-if this is how they behave at work, what in the HELL does their home bathrooms look like? I mean, seriously.....


ern said...

FYI...because of the 6th floor "ladies" (and i use that term very loosely) messing up the bathroom on the 7th floor, UBH might lose the privilege of using the bathrooms up there. i don't believe we had these problems over at the old building.

KD said...

WHAAAAAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE the 7th floor bathroom! It's so nice and clean...and smells good. Please for the love of God you sloppy bastards, don't take this away from those of us that actually have cleanliness standards. Thank you.