Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love can build a bridge, part deux

So, in an effort to bridge the gap between the behavioral health and the medical side, my employer is hosting yet another "fun" activity today, called "Pop Into Action", it is a meet-and-greet where both sides can come together and bond over the following treats: soda "pop", "pop" corn and....yes, Pop Rocks. Did anyone think this through? Clearly this is not very safe. I mean, EVERYONE knows that if you drink soda and eat Pop Rocks together you will die, right? I told Mike to go ahead and try it to see if the theory proved correct.....stay tuned for the results.....


Anonymous said...

What? No "pop"tarts? No "pop"sicles? Managed Care bastards.

KD said...

Ooooo, popsicles.....