Thursday, January 08, 2009

Thinking out loud

I realize I haven't really blogged much about what's going on in my life lately. That's probably because there isn't a whole lot to report. I'm just trudging along, working, sleeping, working, sleeping....and that's about it. Yesterday, my employer announced that, for the first time ever, there would be no raises this year. A total let down for sure, but as I've now had some time to process it, I realize that, in our current economy, I really should just be grateful that I have a job. I have two, in fact. I kinda giggled this morning as I heard the doctors talking about the lack of a raise...I mean, I'm SO sorry you won't be making over half a million dollars this year. Sucks to be you (said in a very, VERY sarcastic manner). Yea, I may be in a kinda blah mood, but my sarcasm remains strong. ;) (did you have any doubt?).

I do have some things to look forward to-Book Club slumber party is this weekend, I'm having date night with Mikey on Friday and my sister's baby shower is only three weeks away! I'm gonna do some shopping for my precious baby niece this weekend, perhaps that'll cheer me up! I don't know why I'm so blah, perhaps it's the weather, perhaps it's other things, who knows. I know I'll eventually snap out of it, so I'm not too concerned. So, if you're around me and I'm crankier than usual, just ignore me, I mean no harm. ;) Except if it's directed toward Mike Tinnin. In that case, I mean it. ;) Love you Mikey!


Anonymous said...

Yeah . . . January in Missouri can do that to you

KD said...

You're never gonna let me live that down, are you, Mr. Tessier? ;)

Anonymous said...

Probably not. It will most likely live on in infamy with the Golden Clipboard.

KD said...

You suck. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

kristy said...

That's why you should move to Dallas..its going to be in the 70's today. So seasonal depression around here. :)

KD said...

It's gonna be in the 50's here today, not too bad for Missouri in January, eh Canadian???? ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow . . . kinda sounds like December in Missouri

KD said...

It does sound MUCH like that. :)