Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Walkin in a winter wonderland....

This weather blows. I just want to go on record as having noted that. Now, don't get me wrong, the snow is pretty and all, but it's a giant pain in the ass. As evidenced by my attempt to go to work this morning. I walked outside at 6:00am and stepped into well over six inches of snow that had fallen overnight. Fun. I then realized I couldn't open my car door because of the snow drifts. Fun. Once I finally burrowed my way in, I proceeded to try to clean off my poor car, doing this while it's still dark outside and there is over six inches of snow on my car. My neighbor came out at the same time (the new guy that I haven't bothered to meet before now) with a shovel and between the two of us, we undug our cars (is undug a word???) and I basically made a run for it over the snow drift and managed to get my car out. It was awesome. Then began the actual drive to work. Thanks to the Nazis I work for, I knew closing the office was not an option, so off I went. The roads had not been touched by a plow, so it was basically every man (or woman) for him(her) self. There was no driving in actual lanes, you just pretty much picked a spot on the road and went with it. The good news is, I made to work safely....only to find that half the staff had called in. Fun. So, we are a skeleton crew today, we are leaderless and we are basically making up the rules as we go along today.

Y'all be safe out there! The good news is, it's supposed to be in the 40's near weeks end, meaning, hopefully, things will be clear in time for Red and Jon's baby shower this weekend!

1 comment:

kristy said...

The difference b/t Texas and the Mid-west is so funny. I didn't have to go to work yesterday at all...for just a little layer of ice that had melted away by 11:00 am. Be careful out there!!