Friday, January 09, 2009

Captain Idiot and other insults I like to hurl at people......

Yes, I did call one of my reviewers "Captain Idiot" today. No, not to his face, but in a totally more passive-aggressive way (that's way more my style.....). It's not my fault people. I call 'em like I see 'em. If you had to talk to this guy every day, you'd call him that too, especially when he says he'll "talk at ya later". What? I know it's Tennessee, but learn English dude. Thanks.

I've had waaaaaaaaay too much caffeine today. And I'm sure that chunk of chocolate cake didn't help (don't judge me! I worked out a lot this week!)........yea, I'm heading for a crash real soon. But in the meantime, I have all of a sudden become super productive, typing like a mad woman. This is a good thing because for the first 2/3 of my day, I was unable to focus or string together any sort of meaningful thoughts......I'm a hot mess.

TGIF is all I have to say. It's been a long week. A long few weeks. I need a vacation. I am having dinner with Mikey, Ashley, Jasmine and Tab tonight (yay!), we're eating noodles. Jealous? :) Tomorrow is our annual Book Club Slumber Party (yay!). I'm making a buffalo chicken cheese dip for it. No, I've never made it before, and I realize I'm culinarily challenged, but the directions look simple enough. I got this one. I think. I hope.

Thanks to my scattered thoughts, I can't come up with anything else to blog about at this present moment in time, so I'll bid you adieu.

Have a GREAT weekend y'all!


Anonymous said...

Captain Idiot. Luv it. Also would have accepted Lt Douchebag or Major Fucknuts.

KD said...

Robin, I love you most. :)