Friday, January 16, 2009


Why are the Cubs signing all these former Cardinals? So Taguchi? Really? Is he necessary? I think Cubs management has been smoking crack or something. I won't be happy until Jake Peavy is wearing blue. Not that I really care about him but after all the crappy deals the Cubs have made in this off season it only seems fair that we should at least be able to score a big name pitcher. I'm bored. Is it April yet?


Anonymous said...

why? because cubs management is big bunch of idiots. i'm NOT happy. i miss DeRo. our best utility player to the indians while we get a utility player with average stats. doesn't make sense. i might actually be booing some cubs at spring training.

Blue said...

Hey KD, I hope your days get some warm days soon. I hope the Cubs sign Jake Peavy soon to make up for their stupid moves so far.

PAULA said...

Quit whining. At least they are DOING something. What are my cards doing?? Oh yeah NOTHING!!!