Wow, my first post of 2009. Time sure does fly when you're getting old......
anywho, Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone made it safely home from the madness that was New Year's Eve last night. Yours truly had a very low key NYE. As you all know, I worked 14.5 hours, the crisis line wasn't so bad, as the night went on, it was mostly frequent callers calling to wish us a happy new year (
awwww). Tanya had helped organize a food night, so we had way yummy stuff to eat all night (thanks again T, that pepper jelly that Laura is now using inappropriately was awesome!). Tanya and I had big grandiose plans of going out after we got off work at 10:30pm, and I really thought it was gonna happen. Amy Henson had given me her extra Diet Dr Pepper, so for awhile I was riding high on caffeine, I'd been refueled by all the food, so I really thought that this year I'd be geared up and ready to go out. Then 9pm hit, and I crashed (maybe it was all the
mandatory trainings I was forced to do...hey, at least I got some of my
CEU's done for my license that I have to get renewed this year!). I had discussed with Tanya maybe both of us making a cameo at Carrie's for Losers Night In but at that point, even that much activity seemed a bit much for us, so we made the decision to go home after work, and I broke the news to Boogie via
Facebook that I was probably not coming over (those drunk bitches were
texting, posting
Facebook messages and just generally having a good time while I was forced to work....I love you all!). As I drove home, however, I thought, an hour won't kill me. I knew the kids were there and the thought of ringing in the new year with them sounded appealing, so I decided to go ahead and make a (quick) cameo at the
Nenonen's. As suspected, the party was
hoppin when I got there, Big Bastard was
singin the HELL out of some American Idol for
wii (and Ashley and Val sang that
Fergie song about 34 times I think). :) The best part was doing the countdown to midnight with the kids. Sparkling grape juice for them, champagne for the rest of us. Once it was officially 2009, the party seemed to wind down. In fact, Miss Carrie disappeared and it was discovered that she had gone to bed (passed out???? :) ). So, all in all it was a good NYE. I was home (and in bed) in a timely manner, I slept in today and now I'm starting the new year by not changing out of my
jammies and just generally doing a bunch of nothing today. Me
Happy 2009 to everyone. I sincerely hope this is the best year yet. My family has a LOT to look forward to as we prepare to welcome Baby Baum into the world in early April. I am beyond excited to meet my new baby niece and already know I will probably love her more than anything on this Earth. :) Speaking of, my sister is officially 26 weeks along today. Getting there! I can't wait for the baby shower at the end of this month, a fun time shall be had by all!
I'm thinking 2009, for me, is gonna be all about the people I love. Friends, family, I want to make sure I spend lots of time with those I love. THAT is my new years resolution. Poor bastards. You're not gonna be able to get rid of me. Good luck with that. ;)