Wednesday, August 16, 2006

nice chat with my boss

I had a very nice meeting with my manager Bart today. He was very, very sweet and I believe genuine when he says he'll miss me working there. He was very complimentary (and anyone who knows me knows how hard it is for me to take compliments). Bart is the one that hired me 6 years ago (sucker!!!) and trained me and really gave me the foundation to be a good counselor. Of course, we've had our moments throughout the years, if anyone at work could push my buttons, it was him. Yea, we had some real knock down, dragouts throughout the years! But in the end, he's one of the people I respect the most in the world, certainly as far as clinical/counseling skills go. Yes, I know I am being quite sappy this week, but I just can't help it. My attachment to these people is very real, and I will genuinely miss them. Tomorrow will be rough for sure as it is the official last day. I'm gonna try not to cry but can't guarantee it.

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