Thursday, August 24, 2006

Driving can be hazardous to your car's health

There I was, Monday morning, my first day of my new job, driving on Hwy 70, listening to Steve and DC on the radio when all of a sudden I hear a "smack" on my windshield. Something big and ugly had hit it and before my eyes I saw the crack start to grow, and grow, and grow. It's a good 18 inches long now and may not be done growing. There is quite the chunk broken out from where the unidentified object hit my car. I was really hoping this was not a bad sign, as I was already nervous enough about starting a new job. Turns out, it wasn't. J did help me find a place to get it fixed, guess I should call them, huh? That car has been nothing but bad luck-I love it, but bad things happen to it-it has a couple of dents already, paint chipped off, someone door dinged me. It's beginning to look as ghetto-rific as the Crapalier.

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